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送交者: isleskye 2020年11月24日17:00:37 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Trump-Appointed Judge Ensures That Lin Wood’s Bizarre Subpoena of the Atlanta Hawks Won’t Go Anywhere

JERRY LAMBENov 24th, 2020, 12:19 pm

In his Friday decision rejecting Wood’s temporary restraining order (TRO) request, Grimberg ruled that the attorney lacked standing to assert any of the claims in his complaint, but for some reason the judge did not dismiss the case in its entirety—a point the defendants made in a three-page motion to dismisson Monday.

On Tuesday, Judge Grimberg issued a stay on all discovery in the case until he renders a decision on the defendants’ motion to dismiss. It should be noted that Judge Grimberg already made clear that Wood was demanding something extraordinary and unprecedented which would doubtless harm the public in “countless ways.”

“The Court finds that the threatened injury to Defendants as state officials and the public at large far outweigh any minimal burden on Wood,” Grimberg wrote. “To reiterate, Wood seeks an extraordinary remedy: to prevent Georgia’s certification of the votes cast in the General Election, after millions of people had lawfully cast their ballots. To interfere with the result of an election that has already concluded would be unprecedented and harm the public in countless ways.


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