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Festal Eucharist @ St Patrick, NYC(紐約城·天主教堂歡喜主日聖事)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2024年03月29日05:46:51 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2024-03-10 Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent)

【Large Red Man Reading (1950)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

There were ghosts that returned to earth to hear his phrases,

As he sat there reading, aloud, the great blue tabulae.

They were those from the wilderness of stars that had expected more.

There were those that returned to hear him read from the poem of life,

Of the pans above the stove, the pots on the table, the tulips among them.

They were those that would have wept to step barefoot into reality,

That would have wept and been happy, have shivered in the frost

And cried out to feel it again, have run fingers over leaves

And against the most coiled thorn, have seized on what was ugly

And laughed, as he sat there reading, from out of the purple tabulae,

The outlines of being and its expressings, the syllables of its law:

Poesis, poesis, the literal characters, the vatic lines,

Which in those ears and in those thin, those spended hearts,

Took on color, took on shape and the size of things as they are

And spoke the feeling for them, which was what they had lacked.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——



















【注】今天是天主教大齋期的第四個禮拜天——歡喜主日,被視為耶穌復活的期待日,美國最知名的高貴聖徒大教堂(St. Patrick's Cathedral)內座無虛席,參加聖祭的教徒們追憶基督逾越髑髏山(Calvary)的聖死,並期待祂三個禮拜後的今天喜樂榮光地復活;象徵着希望和歡樂的玫瑰色代替了象徵懺悔的紫色,司鐸祭披和教堂帷幔也都主打粉紅色彩。

Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2024: Bryant Park in Midtown, NYC(紐約中城·誠實公園)

2024: National Arts Club, NYC(紐約城·國家藝術俱樂部)

2024: One-Michelin-Starred Gramercy Tavern, NYC(紐約城·米其林一星“多謝酒館”)

2016: MontCo Sci Research Contest(巨人山郡科研競賽)

St. Patrick's Cathedral0001.JPG

2024-03-10_Looking East from the Nave toward the Altar in the Sanctuary-10001.JPG

2024-03-10_Pulpit in Dominica de Rosa0001.JPG

2024-03-10_Cardinal Dolan in Rose-Colored Vestments on Laetare Sunday0001.JPG

2024-03-10_Laetare Flower, a Symbol of Joy & Hope0001.JPG

1994-03-27_Rose Window @ St Patrick Cathedral0001.JPG

1997-03-17_St Patricks Cathedral Stained Glass0001.JPG

1994-03-27_Pilgrimage @ St Patrick Cathedral-1M0001.JPG

2024-03-10_Stainglass_Ornamental Leaded Icon_M0001.JPG

2024-03-10_Stainglass_The Annunciation and Nativity_M0001.JPG


St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC(紐約城·高貴聖徒大教堂)

USA·New York(美國·紐約州)


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