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送交者: 尊重正義 2024年04月17日20:30:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話





  習近平是中國共產黨現任國家主席,在過去35年來,在他擔任中國地方政府國家安全部門的領導的時候,他就和我的同事宋意宣的弟弟現在從事腦神經相關研究的宋志堅手中暗中轉走我和我兒子的腦波。他們利用AI 電磁波控腦武器根據惡意目標進行母子混亂關係,破壞關係,破壞我們正常交流和溝通的腦神經系統恐怖襲擊極端犯罪,他們在對我們母子進行腦神經恐怖襲擊的時候,對整個人類社會大腦神經系統進行肢解性大腦神經侵犯。為了在犯罪中讓人類無法察覺,在對我們的低級腦神經侵犯之前,先把我們的高級腦神經進行控制,使高級腦智力無法發揮應該有的水平,在這個基礎上,他們對我們人類的低級腦進行了酷刑虐待。低級腦是小孩腦,非常脆弱和簡單,沒有語言和綜合思維,他們利用AI電磁波對我們人類低級腦神經進行虐待的時候,把人類腦神經壓製成無能的小孩腦進行


   I publish this book for the victory of justice. I publish this book for the people of the world to understand the fact that the Chinese President has gradually developed the AI electromagnetic wave control and distorted human brain nerve crimes internationally over the past 35 years. We, the righteous human beings and the US government Officials fought for justice to defeat Xi Jinping’s fascist crime of international terrorism.

Xi Jinping is the current president of the Communist Party of China. In the past 35 years, when he served as the leader of the national security department of China’s local government, he and my colleague Song Yixuan’s brother Song Zhijian, who is currently engaged in brain nerve-related research, secretly transferred me and My son’s brainwaves. They use AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons based on malicious targets to confuse the relationship between mother and child, destroy the relationship, and destroy our normal communication and communication. Terrorist attacks on the brain nervous system are extreme crimes. When they carry out neurological terrorist attacks on our mothers and children, they are attacking the entire human society. The cerebral nervous system undergoes dismemberment of the cerebral nerves. In order to prevent human beings from detecting crimes, they first control our high-level brain nerves before invading our lower-level brain nerves, so that the higher-level brain intelligence cannot perform at the level it should be. On this basis, they attack our human beings. The lower brain carried out torture and abuse. The lower brain is a child's brain, very fragile and simple, without language and comprehensive thinking. When they use AI electromagnetic waves to abuse our lower-level brain nerves, they suppress the human brain nerves into incompetent child brains.

When artificially distorting the brain nerves of the entire human population, they maliciously suppressed our sensory perception system, comprehensive analysis energy system, and resistance and self-protection system, making the advanced brain control unable to work normally, and people became abnormal. Human robots. Extreme terrorist criminal activities involving the separation of lower-level brain and higher-level brain, causing human beings to die unknowingly, through brain-controlled torture methods that separate human souls and bodies.

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