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Ornamentals in Central Park, NYC(紐約城·中央公園藝術品)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2024年04月18日09:14:44 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2024-04-06 National Handmade Day

【To the One of Fictive Music (1922)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        Sister and mother and diviner love,

        And of the sisterhood of the living dead

        Most near, most clear, and of the clearest bloom,

        And of the fragrant mothers the most dear

        And queen, and of diviner love the day

        And flame and summer and sweet fire, no thread

        Of cloudy silver sprinkles in your gown

        Its venom of renown, and on your head

        No crown is simpler than the simple hair.


        Now of the music summoned by the birth

        That separates us from the wind and sea,

        Yet leaves us in them, until earth becomes,

        By being so much of the things we are,

        Gross effigy and simulacrum, none

        Gives motion to perfection more serene

        Than yours, out of our imperfections wrought,

        Most rare, or ever of more kindred air

        In the laborious weaving that you wear.


        For so retentive of themselves are men

        That music is intensest which proclaims

        The near, the clear, and vaunts the clearest bloom,

        And of all vigils musing the obscure,

        That apprehends the most which sees and names,

        As in your name, an image that is sure,

        Among the arrant spices of the sun,

        O bough and bush and scented vine, in whom

        We give ourselves our likest issuance.


        Yet not too like, yet not so like to be

        Too near, too clear, saving a little to endow

        Our feigning with the strange unlike, whence springs

        The difference that heavenly pity brings.

        For this, musician, in your girdle fixed

        Bear other perfumes. On your pale head wear

        A band entwining, set with fatal stones.

        Unreal, give back to us what once you gave:

        The imagination that we spurned and crave.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——












































Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2024: Trump Tower of Belle Epoque, NYC(紐約城·今非昔比的川普大廈)

2024: Herald Square, Newspaper Row in NYC(紐約城報社街區·先驅廣場)

2024: NY Public Library Main Branch-II(紐約公共圖書館主分館·內藏)

2024: NY Public Library Main Branch-I(紐約公共圖書館主分館·外觀)

2016: Third Marking Period of Seventh Grade(初二第三學制)

2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多爾十字架島)

2012: 佛州迪斯尼世界神奇王國(Walt Disney Magic Kingdom, FL)

2011: 埃及尼羅河遊輪(Cruising on the Nile, Egypt)

2011: 埃及寶石雙神廟(Twin Temples of Abu Simbel, Egypt)

2011: 埃及愛島神廟(Philae Temple—Isis, Osiris, and Horus, EGY)

Central Park0001.JPG

01_1996-12-15_Bergdorf Goodman (1899) over Pulitzer Fountain (1916) @ 754 5th Ave0001.JPG

01_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Grand Army Plaza_Pulitzer Fountain against Bergdorf Goodman-10001.JPG

01_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Grand Army Plaza_William Tecumseh Sherman0001.JPG

02_2016-04-30_Sculpture_Equestrian Statue of José de San Martín 聖馬丁騎馬雕像0001.JPG

03_2009-01-27_Simón Bolívar's Equestrian Sculpture in the Eponymous Park-Cartagena Statue Plaza Bolivar 西蒙·玻利瓦爾騎馬雕像0001.JPG

04_2024-04-06_Sculpture_USS Maine National Monument-10001.JPG

05_2024-04-06_Columbus Monument0001.JPG

10_2024-04-06_Delacorte Clock-10001.JPG

13_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Honey Bear Statue0001.JPG

14_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Sir Walter Scott Statue0001.JPG

15_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Robert Burns Statue0001.JPG

16_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Lehman Gates_Three Pylons Surmounted by Ornamental Crest w Children, Animal, & Bird Figures @ Tisch Children's Zoo Gate0001.JPG

17_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Fitz-Greene Halleck Statue0001.JPG

18_2024-04-06_Sculpture_William Shakespeare Statue0001.JPG

19_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Indian Hunter0001.JPG

20_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Christopher Columbus Statue0001.JPG

21_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Balto Statue-10001.JPG

24_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Women's Rights Pioneers Monument-1M0001.JPG

27_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Richard Morris Hunt Memorial0001.JPG

28_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Ludwig Van Beethoven Statue0001.JPG

31_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Mother Goose Statue0001.JPG

33_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Pilgrim Statue on the Pilgrim Hill0001.JPG

40_2024-04-06_Sculpture_A Sundial w a Bronze Female figure Ne Diruatur Fuga Temporum_ meaning Let it not be destroyed by the passage of time on Waldo Hutchins Bench0001.JPG

40_2024-04-06_Sculpture_ALTERI OPORTET SI VIS TIBI VIVERE YOU NEED ANOTHER You should live for another if you would live for yourself0001.JPG

41_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Hans Christian Andersen Monument0001.JPG

42_1993-12-11_Central Park_Alice's Adventures in Wonderland0001.JPG

42_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Alice in Wonderland-10001.JPG

47-48_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Group of Bears & Levy Gate-20001.JPG

52_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Bronze Crabs Created by the Romans as Supports for the Damaged Obelisks & Crabs in Association w Apollo, the Sun God, Thus Continuing the Solar Connectio0001.JPG

52_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Cleopatra's Needle_ the Park's Oldest Human-Made Structure-1M0001.JPG

53_2024-04-06_Sculpture_Statue of Alexander Hamilton0001.JPG

2024-04-06_Bldg_432 Park Avenue_ NYC's Tallest Apt Bldg-10001.JPG

2024-04-06_Conservatory Water-10001.JPG

2024-04-06_The Lake w the Oak Bridge Spanning the Mouth of Back Rock Bay against Billionaires’ Row-10001.JPG

2024-04-06_Summerhouse at the Dene0001.JPG


USA·New York(美國·紐約州)


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