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送交者: 尊重正義 2024年04月18日10:37:38 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


We plan to jointly publish this book as a record report of the victim’s experience in exposing and combating China’s Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist crimes.


    By RuoQian Kang,Jian Shi,Harry Gao,Jessica Gao, Danel Gao, Will Gao.



  習近平是中國共產黨現任國家主席,在過去35年來,在他擔任中國地方政府國家安全部門的領導的時候,他就和我的同事宋意宣的弟弟現在從事腦神經相關研究的宋志堅手中暗中轉走我和我兒子的腦波。他們利用AI 電磁波控腦武器根據惡意目標進行母子混亂關係,破壞關係,破壞我們正常交流和溝通的腦神經系統恐怖襲擊極端犯罪,他們在對我們母子進行腦神經恐怖襲擊的時候,對整個人類社會大腦神經系統進行肢解性大腦神經侵犯。後來,習近平把我們母子的腦控又轉給宋志堅,要他負責消滅人質母子和高長勝的太太和兒女。





  我兒子Harry Gao 從他1歲半的時候到現在36年來一直是電磁波腦控受害人之一,他一直被當作宋意宣家族的男童腦神經電磁波控制的實驗品和犧牲品,他們對我兒子進行潛意識無法察覺的腦神經系統肢解分裂特徵的腦神經迫害,達到他無法意識到他被腦神經控制的程度。中國極端犯罪分子對我兒子高長生的腦神經Ai電磁波控制的原則是絕對控制,絕對服從的邪惡目標,並且電腦設置絕對成功。在電磁波的長期迫害中,我兒子Harry Gao 的身體衰老和疾病超出了他36年齡應該有的程度。


    在另一方面,Harry Gao 在明知道他的母親康若茜身陷囹圄,遭受了滅頂之災的情況下,他當然看到了他母親的衰老和煎熬,他痛苦不堪,他一直在全力試圖幫助我康若茜母親,他一直試圖幫助我過上她應該有的正常人生,但是犯罪電磁波無情地阻攔了這一切。在這種情況下,他還是和他的家人和兩個童孩一起來到祖國,看望暮年的外祖父母,代表了他對親情的需求和渴望,代表了他的一片赤誠衷心,代表了他希望把他的恐懼無奈巨大的憤怒無進行表達,他不顧他母親的反對來到他童年生活過的祖父母身邊尋找生還的希望的巨大的力量。

我想說的是,高長生Harry Gao是正確生命的存在,習近平極端恐怖犯罪分子對一個剛出生一年多的男孩子一直虐待到現在35年,要進行腦控人質處理,對他進行死亡意念能量的腦神經酷刑,還沒有說出來的能力的腦神經控制的時候,我這個母親康若茜的心中習近平及其極端恐怖犯罪團伙已經集體死亡了,在我兒子高長生和他的父親趙健心中習近平及其極端恐怖犯罪團伙已經集體死亡了,在習近平對我們空襲的同時,對整個人類大眾利用同樣的手段對社會大眾腦神經進行如此殘酷的身體和靈魂分離的酷刑中的時候,已經在整個人類心目中已經全部習近平極端恐怖犯罪團伙死亡了,我們人類正義睿智的力量不允許有這樣的極端法西斯現代恐怖AI犯罪存在,我們人類集體潛意識和意識早已經對習近平極端犯罪團伙做出了公正審判,判處他們全部死刑,立即執行了。這就是我們人類集體潛意識正確的客觀存在規律在起作用。我們要依靠我們人類擁有的正義消滅邪惡的正確存在消滅習近平極端恐怖犯罪活動對我們人類的非人類侵犯。

(The following article is the same article translated into English using Google translation software.)

   I publish this book for the victory of justice. I publish this book for the people of the world to understand the fact that the Chinese President has gradually developed the AI electromagnetic wave control and distorted human brain nerve crimes internationally over the past 35 years. We, the righteous human beings and the US government Officials fought for justice to defeat Xi Jinping’s fascist crime of international terrorism.

Xi Jinping is the current president of the Communist Party of China. In the past 35 years, when he served as the leader of the national security department of China’s local government, he and my colleague Song Yixuan’s brother Song Zhijian, who is currently engaged in brain nerve-related research, secretly transferred me and My son’s brainwaves. They use AI electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons based on malicious targets to confuse the relationship between mother and child, destroy the relationship, and destroy our normal communication and communication. Terrorist attacks on the brain nervous system are extreme crimes. When they carry out neurological terrorist attacks on our mothers and children, they are attacking the entire human society. The cerebral nervous system undergoes dismemberment of the cerebral nerves. Later, Xi Jinping transferred the brain control of our mother and son to Song Zhijian, asking him to be responsible for destroying the hostages, mother and son, and Gao Changsheng’s wife and children.

Song Zhijian’s sister Song Yixuan sold the wave to Jack Ma’s brain-controlled weapons electromagnetic wave company. Jack Ma, the general manager of China’s Ant Company, has been lurking in the United States for a long time and pretending to be a famous Chinese entrepreneur. At the same time, he has carried out large-scale AI electromagnetic wave control, distortion, abuse and extreme terrorist criminal activities. He has colluded with Xi Jinping, leaked information, and is committed to defeating the United States. Conspiracy to turn the United States into a dark country. One of their methods of committing crimes is to eliminate the society of puppets that magnetize men, have active sexual nerves, and inactive advanced brains. China's Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist and criminal underground government can use AI more unscrupulously. Electromagnetic wave brain-controlled weapons dominate the world at the cost of destroying human brain nerve energy, at the cost of destroying human beings.

In order to prevent humans from being aware of their crimes, they control our higher-level brain nerves before invading our lower-level brain nerves, so that the higher-level brain intelligence cannot function as it should. On this basis, they attack us humans The lower brain was tortured and abused. The lower brain is a child's brain, very fragile and simple, without language and comprehensive thinking. When they use AI electromagnetic waves to abuse our lower-level brain nerves, they suppress the human brain nerves into incompetent child brains.

When artificially distorting the brain nerves of the entire human population, they maliciously suppressed our sensory perception system, comprehensive analysis energy system, and resistance and self-protection system, making the advanced brain control unable to work normally, and people became abnormal. Human robots. Extreme terrorist criminal activities involving the separation of lower-level brain and higher-level brain, causing human beings to die unknowingly, through brain-controlled torture methods that separate human souls and bodies.


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