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送交者: xpt 2010年01月03日11:55:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
I may not agree with certain things he did, or said, but he has the rights, and we have the respect for what he does or says, within the constitution of China, supposing that it is a civilized and implemented supreme law of the land.

The issue we have is whether the citizens of China do have their rights as promised by the constitution. Obviously, the case for 刘晓波 is not even close to this. What is this "颠覆国家罪“?In what way? Just by a document that only 4000ish people signed and through screening and filtering, few Chinese inside China even know about it?

Even if it is a documents with unfavorable statements as that CCP would like to have, it is just a document with ideas. So what is so frightening about it?

I guess the reaction from the CCP controlled legal system is from two reasons:

Fear: CCP knows that they are sitting on many volcanoes. They are scared to death every day that some of them will explode and unseat their rule. I cannot imagine that a confident, people-loved government would be scared by a document.

The ambiguity to interpret the "颠覆国家罪“ in the constitution is obvious and one-sided and not contended. Who is the right interpreter of the law? Obviously, it is CCP and its cotrolled poppe court. From 刘晓波 case, we know that any Chinese citizen can be put into jail for the statement or writing for 颠覆国家. It reminds us of who the boss is.

Once again, we may not completely agree with what 刘晓波 said or did, but we agree that he, and us all have the rights to say what we like to say. China will not progress to a true civilized country unless it gurantees this very right to everyone of its citizen.

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