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Hu Brings A Snap on China and Chinese' Face!
送交者: BestWishes 2008月06月20日09:51:49 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 岳东晓:“618东海暖春条约”是中国的国耻Canna 于 2008-06-20 07:40:38
Good Article, Ding!
It appears that officials of the Chinese Foreign Ministry know very little about international laws and practices. Significant terms like: Sovereignty and Sea Territory may sound like alien language to them.

This article corresponds with my two previous posts on last screen with the names:
"I Do Think China Committed A Mistake," and
"Hu Jin-tao's Wishful Thinking Is Impractical." Though these two posts are in English, yet, they are in easy-to-understand English.

I just feel that the so-called "East Sea Sino-Japan Mutual Exploration Agreement" is a snap on the face of China and all Chinese!
  slap not snap /无内容 - 1115zh 06/21/08 (128)
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