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One question:
送交者: fangemin 2008月09月12日16:35:56 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 潘涌:雕盼青雲睡眼開,望着黑鷹高高飛潘涌 於 2008-09-12 15:06:17
Just take one example. Your rich neighbor can afford private guards for their family security and you can't. Their house was never robbed. But yesterday, your house was robbed and you were hurt by the robbers. Can your rich neighbor approach you and blame your stupidity for not hiring your own private guards and instead only relying on your good luck?

It is easy to say the Chinese leaders did not anticipate the need of the helicopters. But do you really think China would be able to design and manufacture the same quality helicopters back in the 70's and 80's even if its leadership fully understood the urgency of having home-made helicopters? I guess you should not act like your rich neighbor.

Other than this, I like reading your articles.
  One thing I should mention is - 潘涌 09/12/08 (432)
    My point is: when you are a - fangemin 09/12/08 (335)
      Right peolpe do the - 潘涌 09/13/08 (279)
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