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送交者: 力挽狂瀾 2014年10月21日19:37:29 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
Total confirms the death of Chairman and CEO Christophe de Margerie

October 21, 2014
Paris: Total confirms with deep regret and great sadness that Chairman and CEO Christophe de Margerie died just after 10pm (Paris time) on October 20 in a private plane crash at Vnukovo Airport in Moscow, following a collision with a snow removal machine.
Four people were found dead at the scene of the accident, including three crew member and Christophe de Margerie.
The thoughts of the management and employees of the Group go out to Christophe de Margerie’s wife, children and loved ones as well as to the families of the three other

- See more at: http://www.total.com/en/media/news/press-releases/total-confirms-death-chairman-and-ceo-christophe-de-margerie#sthash.Ka3bh7pC.dpuf

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