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送交者: 三把刀 2016年09月05日02:00:00 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

ROBUST DEFENSE: Wing Loong drones will enhance Saudi forces’ capability to monitor borders.

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia has signed a contract with China for the purchase of an unspecified number of pterodactyl planes, also known as Wing Loong or medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned drones, according to a report in Al-Watan newspaper.
The Chinese unmanned drones are modeled after MQ-1 Predator; they have surveillance capabilities and are able to carry two air-to-ground missiles.
According to the Global Times, the Kingdom is the first Arab country to obtain such types of drones, which were developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group.
According to a press statement from the company last year, its drones are sold to four countries, including an unnamed country in Central Asia, while a series of negotiations are still going on with other potential clients.
The pterodactyl flies more than 4,000 km in 20 hours, and has a total payload capacity of up to 200 kg. It is equipped with laser-guided sensors.

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