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送交者: 三把刀 2017年01月26日18:46:03 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
ImageSE "Ivchenko-Progress" and JSC "Motor Sich" carried out the first test run of the new aircraft turboshaft engine AI-136T.

Tests of the new aircraft turboshaft engine AI-136T, for use in the new super-heavy helicopters, held January 19, 2017.

According to the information portal "military informant" , the new Ukrainian aircraft engine AI-136T can be mounted on the promising Chinese heavy helicopter.

ImageThe basis of the new heavy helicopter Soviet helicopter was chosen as the Mi-26, which has successfully operated in China and many countries of the world.

Unlike the basic version, the new joint development will have smaller dimensions than the Mi-26 helicopter. It is assumed that due to the installation of more powerful engines and flight control systems, load the new helicopter will be about 30 tonnes. Consequently, the new helicopter will exceed the Mi-26 in terms of the thrust-weight ratio and mobility.

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