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Just heard the original
送交者: newmic2 2009月02月11日06:43:22 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 中英文混合表达很复杂,明白你的意思了。我爱微风 于 2009-02-10 23:04:26
from the youtube. I must congratulate you and your friend because I think yours is much better than the original version. Why? because your 合声sounds more harmony especially the first word (线)is superb. In addition, your vocal part is very explosive, more powerful than Sun Nan's voice. I am very impressed with your voice's 反差,i.e., you have a very smooth voice for those low key notes and very sharp tone at the high key.You put a lot of passion. Your friend's voice is also very impressive. I still can catch Deng Li Jun's "flavor" in her performance. If I could give you an award, I would give you two awards.
  多谢哥们这么仔细地分析,很高兴。 /无内容 - 我爱微风 02/11/09 (181)
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