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送交者: 樹燁子 2010年12月25日14:45:27 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話



【Air】-- 樹燁子


原曲:Bach  填詞:Antonsen  原唱:Jan Werner
伴奏,伴唱:我愛微風  翻唱:樹燁子


You truly see right through my soul
You've seen
You know of all the times that I've lied
I find with you the truth within
It takes some time
Now I can see it
That your love's everywhere
Through the day

Fall into sorrow and grief
The other tried to take me away
I know the day His ways I saw
It's the other side of light
I know
Before He takes me
Through the darkest hour of all
It's the end

For every day
Find the way
I'll be there

Oh all over the night
All the moments
When you light my way
And fought with me when I was all alone
I stumbled on my way
But you, you were there
You always find me
In a moment of real despair

He will give the dream

For every day
Find the way
I'll be there

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