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Serena藕花深處 跟風公主歡迎新老朋友--一首英文勁歌 Sway
送交者: Serena藕花深處 2019年05月17日11:09:32 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

這首歌是因為學上首英文歌Perhaps, perhaps, perhas的時候從相關鏈接里發現的, 一聽鍾情。 這兩天唱不了新歌,(也跟風公主), 發一首前兩天唱的火爆勁歌, 上次那首Perhaps那首歌鶯語評論說是流鼻血了, 讓俺感激涕零, 再來一首撒歡唱的, 野蠻風格到極限了。 

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

You know how sway me smooth, sway me now 

以下是歌曲原始鏈接, 如果上面打不開可嘗試點擊: 


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