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送交者: 老帽 2019年08月30日17:49:02 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

Glory and love to the men of old,
Their sons may copy their virtues bold;
Courage in heart and a sword in hand,
Both ready to fight and ready to die for Fatherland!

Who needs bidding to dare by a trumpet blown?
Who lacks pity to spare when the field is won?
Who would fly from a foe if alone or lost?
And boast he was true, as coward might do when peril is past?

Glory and love to the men of old!
Their sons may copy their virtues bold,
Courage in heart and a sword in hand,
All ready to fight for Fatherland.

Now to home again we come, the long and fiery strife of battle over;
Rest is pleasant after toil as hard as ours beneath a stranger sun 
Many a maiden fair is waiting here to greet her truant soldier lover,
And many a heart will fail and brow grow pale to hear the tale of cruel peril he has run 

We are at home.
Glory and love to the men of old;
Their sons may copy their virtues bold!
Courage in heart and a sword in hand,
All ready to fight for Fatherland!
All ready to fight, or ready to die for Fatherland!

  帽子好搶鏡:D  /無內容 - 鶯語流泉 09/02/19 (234)
  唱的很有氣勢!真棒!謝謝分享!  /無內容 - 小雨~ 09/01/19 (244)
  宏大的作品,看着字幕能認識倆字, 謝老帽分享!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 09/01/19 (313)
  也聾頂了!  /無內容 - 不列顛地主 09/01/19 (332)
  場面恢宏啊  /無內容 - santa999 08/30/19 (308)
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