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夢中人 - 兩個版本
送交者: sabrina 2011年07月10日08:25:07 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

Regular home recording: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7Mq3viDag4
- This is a slow tempo at B key. Music was done by my dear UJ (http://www.youtube.com/user/iplayslow) who played his keyboard to the camera and then sent it to me for recording. Quoting his own words: "The tempo was slowed purposefully to amplify the difficulty in vocal control in the singing of this song in slow tempo. No singer has ever attempted such slow deliverance BECAUSE it is piratically impossible unless being well trained to hold a LOW note for 1 minute on a single breath.. Anyone who think otherwise can try it to be convinced." I'm not there yet holding the breath on low note for one minute, but I've tried my best to sing well at this tempo, a tempo I honestly didn't expect at all, it came as a surprise. I hope you would enjoy this recording of mine and appreciate my effort.

Live recording: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtTgUcKPm94 - A faster tempo at C key. Lost my voice at the time of the recording, so pitches were not controlled well. But there's something special in this recording that can't be copied and repeated, I treasure it even more with the wonderful play and magnificent accompany voice of my mentor James Sia, so even I wasn't singing under ideal condition and there were noticeable technical problems, I'd like to share with everyone so the world could hear my mentor's great musicality. I believe I did well with enough emotion, and I hope you'll feel the same.

Thanks for listening!
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