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Agree. Obama is corrupted.
送交者: LaoTexas 2008月10月23日08:34:06 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 前半段同意,后半段反对,一个人说谎言欺骗选民,即便出身贫寒皮逻辑 于 2008-10-22 13:44:29
Obama has a racist pastor for more than 20 years. The racist pastor is his spirit leader according to his book. Obama got the great deal of the land next to his house with his corrupted friend's help. His wife had a second job which paid her more than majority American's salary. I don't believe anything he said. But I do admire his ability to stir up the clouds like Chairman Mao. He has so many hot fans like the Hong Xiao Bin or Hong Wei Bin. Anyway he will win and he will make bad history record and I will be glad I am not part of it. I will vote McCain/Palin although they are not good either but they are not worse. At least I believe in their fundamental moral values.

God Bless America!
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