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Going home
送交者: jingchen 2018年05月13日06:37:28 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

Going Home

Going home, going home

I am going home

Quiet like, some still day

I am going home

It's not far, just close by

Through an open door

Work all done, care laid by

Never fear no more

Mother's there expecting me

Father's waiting too

Lots of faces gathered there

All the friends I knew

No more fear, no more pain

No more stumbling by the way

No more longing for the day

Going to run no more

Morning star light the way

Restless dreams all gone

Shadows gone, break of day

Real life has begun

There's no break, there's no end

Just living on

Wide awake, with a smile

Going on and on, going on and on

Going home, going home

I am going home

Shadows gone, break of day

Real life has begun

Going Home was written by Willam Fisher. The music was from Dvorak’s New World Symphony. It was Dvorak’s nostalgia of the Old World. To all of us, the earthly world is our New World, the heavenly world is our Old World, our eternal home. 

After our exhausting struggle in this earthly world, we all will return to our eternal home. When we look up the sky, we know we simply leave behind a crowded, noisy earth for a vast, peaceful heaven.

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