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On the Highway 2 in Montana
送交者: 桑子 2016年11月20日10:42:29 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話



            On the Highway 2 in Montana

I was on my way to find you

My purple deer in Montana’s ridge

I know you never come out easy

Behind the mist of mountain edge

But there is fire still in my blood

When I read you as legend

Once you turned your head

Mine you would be


At that lonely highway on my racer

Towards the direction of the glacier

Oh, my purple deer, why you come at this while

Come out like my irresistible spell


I never expect I would meet you this way, my deer

It almost killed me up here

To my heart-desired Montana ridge


But before I sank into the darkness

I did see you turned your head to me

Yes, I did see


I can not move or see or hear

My purple deer, are you with me?

Did you notice the stars in the sky brighter than yesterday?

Did you smell the wild florets that I was going to get for thee?

Let us find our way slowly

Slowly we’ll find our way

Back to where the home to be


Oh, I never expect I would meet you this way, my deer

It almost killed me up here

To my heart-desired Montana ridge




This song is about a friend who, while travelling on the highway to the glacier, collided with a mountain deer on his motorcycle; which cost him seven broken ribs. He was taken to the local hospital in unconsciousness.  But he still does not know what happened to the deer in the accident. 

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