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給紫荊棘鳥寫首打油詩 Sonnet 0
送交者: 要飯花子 2008年09月03日22:00:38 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
我的遠比不上老萬和的youaresmart的sonnet, 所以只能把它叫 sonnet 0 you are a smart girl, but just so confused and no one is better than you in math i suggested Godel, which you refused and we know your logic gives you much wrath who is who is itself enlightening and we all want to see lao wan's clothing getting the truth requires some math solving and more importantly deep reasoning why does lao wan call you the purple bird? that's a pure love's name from a pure love's heart he loves your poetry, rank you the third along with Du, and way above that 'smart' o, wan, the king, loves emperor's new clothes the rest are all covered from heads to toes
    這個極可能不是老萬 - @%@ 09/04/08 (329)
      謝謝!怎麼不是?老萬的 math 很好的  /無內容 - 紫荊棘鳥 09/04/08 (269)
        但他的Computer技術好像不太好  /無內容 - @%@ 09/04/08 (325)
          好像你對萬蝶很熟悉似的 - 紫荊棘鳥 09/04/08 (231)
            是略知一二 - @%@ 09/04/08 (236)
              this pair of glasses is cute:)  /無內容 - 紫荊棘鳥 09/04/08 (182)
            說實話,他的computer確實爛的很 - 風麗 09/04/08 (177)
          此言差矣 - 風麗 09/04/08 (280)
            你很風趣 - @%@ 09/04/08 (250)
              哈,開個玩笑,別生氣。  /無內容 - 風麗 09/04/08 (253)
                沒有的。不會生 - @%@ 09/04/08 (267)
                  老萬不小心成了繼劉翔之後的焦點人物,該讓他涼快涼快啦 - 風麗 09/04/08 (230)
  紫王看了也不會高興.  /無內容 - 要飯花子 09/03/08 (201)
    匡正諸夏是大事 別讓小事給攪了 - 萬尊 09/04/08 (189)
  This one sounds really silly! - 萬尊 09/03/08 (275)
    哈哈, 看來對你的荊棘詩理解有誤。  /無內容 - 要飯花子 09/03/08 (261)
      萬蝶,我寫的連打油詩都不算的,自娛自樂而已 - 紫荊棘鳥 09/04/08 (243)
        "申"是"仰觀天文"的時間 不能亂改 - 萬尊 09/04/08 (216)
        當然,如果你破除了封建迷信,不在乎吉利不吉利的,也未嘗不可  /無內容 - 紫荊棘鳥 09/04/08 (192)
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