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Sonnet XI
送交者: 要飯花子 2008年09月22日23:39:43 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
i declare that i'll no longer love you as my heart's passion is philos'phy and math and love for love's sake will bear nothing new except a lonely sigh down the life's path however cold and cruel my act may seem my sole dedication to truth will yield to no mundane love or a mundane dream just remember wounds o'er time will be healed in the next world if ever there is one surely you will create my life's design but now our separate paths have begun and you'll find your love as i have found mine a man needs to follow the calling 'n him or else life will be dull and future dim
  revision VI - 要飯花子 09/25/08 (192)
    注: - 要飯花子 09/25/08 (217)
  revision V - 要飯花子 09/24/08 (193)
  revision IV - 要飯花子 09/24/08 (237)
    It gets better each time! - 萬尊 09/24/08 (199)
      i think it is good to - 要飯花子 09/24/08 (186)
  revision III - 要飯花子 09/24/08 (201)
  revision II - 要飯花子 09/23/08 (260)
  revised - 要飯花子 09/23/08 (243)
  line 13 - 要飯花子 09/23/08 (211)
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