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The Trump Trial: A Porn Star War
送交者: renqiulan 2024年05月10日16:21:52 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

(Current Affairs)

These days, on my way to work in the morning, I am frequently stopped by international tourists asking for directions to the courthouse where Donald and Stormy are making their appearances.

All over the world, yellow journalists must be having a field day, thanks to former President Trump and his previous tryst with Stormy Daniels, a porn star.

Yellow journalism, characterized by its colorful content, eye-popping headlines, and dubious sources, has a long and storied history in American media. From the days of William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer to our era of clickbait and 24-hour news cycles, the allure of sensationalism captures audiences and drives revenue growth. News makes money, and vice versa.

According to Democrat-friendly media, the Donald-and-Stormy show began with whispers of clandestine payments, hidden agreements, and "a web of deception" woven through the corridors of power. "Look, Stormy is airing Donald's dirty laundry and hers. By the way, where's the former First Lady? No, we don't mean Hillary Clinton, you dumbxxx!" So much for the prosecutorial circus.

Excuse my skepticism. The so-called hush money itself is not necessarily against the law per se. The case for the prosecution hinges on proving that Trump made the "hush money" unlawfully accounted for. On that score, in my opinion, all the salacious details generously supplied by Stormy Daniels are irrelevant.

Everyone knows that the prosecutor is working hard to sensationalize Stormy in order to scandalize Donald. But then, Donald is already the most scandalized human being on Earth. What doesn't kill him makes him stronger. Prove me wrong, will you?

Author: renqiulan

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