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What A Shame!
送交者: QingXingChen 2008月07月04日14:57:36 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 《人民日报》社论: 世界上最民主的一票ddti 于 2008-07-04 14:06:05
Oh, my God! First time to read something like that. Is this true or someone just created this for fun? No matter what, from this I really understand why Chinese Communist Party likes to cheat. How come they did not feel ashamed when they said they were the most democratic in the world? Who really wrote this? Can the Chinese Communist Party find this guy and put him into prison? Not only did he tell lies and cheated Chinese people intentionally, he also made Chinese people lose face in the world. China really pays attention to their faces, right? No wonder Chinese people have no idea what democracy is.
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