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List of US Jewish politicians
送交者: 司马迁 2008月12月30日13:01:29 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 定理:‘都是犹太人作的孽!’定理 于 2008-12-30 10:24:37
List of Jewish American politicians
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This is a list of famous Jewish American politicians, arranged chronologically.

Cabinet members and senior administration officials

* Judah Benjamin, Confederate States of America: Attorney General (1861), Secretary of War (1861), Secretary of State (1862–65)
* Oscar Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor (1906–09)
* Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury (1934–45)
* Arthur J. Goldberg, Secretary of Labor (1961-1962)
* Abraham A. Ribicoff, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1961-62)
* Walter W. Rostow, National Security Advisor (1966-69)
* Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1968-69)
* James Schlesinger, CIA Director (1973), Secretary of Defense (1973–75) (convert to Lutheranism)
* Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor (1969–75); Secretary of State (1973–77)
* Ron Nessen, White House Press Secretary (1974-77)
* Edward Levi, Attorney General (1975–1977)
* W. Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury (1977–79)
* Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense (1977–81)
* Neil Goldschmidt, Secretary of Transportation (1979–1981)
* Philip Morris Klutznick, Secretary of Commerce (1980–1981)
* Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense (1981-87) (Episcopalian; paternal descendant of Czech Jews)
* Kenneth Duberstein, White House Chief of Staff (1988–1989)
* Richard Darman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1989-93) (convert to Episcopalianism)
* Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor (1993–97)
* Alice M. Rivlin, Director of Office of Management and Budget (1994-96)
* John M. Deutch, Belgian-born CIA director (1995–96)
* Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury (1995–99)
* Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture (1995–2001)
* Mickey Kantor, Secretary of Commerce (1996-97)
* Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State (1997–01) (raised Catholic by adoptive parents)
* William S. Cohen, Secretary of Defense (1997-01) (Jewish father; lists self as Unitarian Universalist)
* Sandy Berger, National Security Advisor (1997–01)
* Larry Summers, Secretary of the Treasury (1999–01)
* Jacob Lew, Director of Office of Management and Budget (1999–2001)
* Leon Fuerth, National Security Advisor to Vice President Al Gore (1993–2001)
* Ari Fleischer, White House Press Secretary (2001–03)
* Michael Chertoff, Secretary for Homeland Security (2005–)
* Joshua Bolten, Director of Office of Management and Budget (2003-06); White House Chief of Staff (2006– )
* Michael Mukasey, Attorney General (2007- )
* Rahm Emmanuel White House Chief of Staff (2009-)
  Current Jewish Senators - 司马迁 12/30/08 (555)
      代表哈马斯利益的绝不限于张承志, 也包括你这种小回民。  /无内容 - 5000 12/30/08 (177)
    Wall Street is Jewish.... - kcho1348 12/30/08 (279)
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