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why marrying white man
送交者: xuxx0046 2008月07月27日19:32:43 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 好辦呀,女人直接嫁給老美,男人變性後也嫁給老美第二泉 於 2008-07-26 21:34:19
why do chinese women want to be poked by white men's dirty d*i*c*k? Will the father of this chinese woman ever cared that his daughter is being poked by a White trash's d*i*c*k?

Chinese women belong to chinese men. A chinese woman humiliates the whole chinese people by letting a white man poke her.

For example, I hate every single chinese women who let a white man poke her. These chinese women are the shame of our chinese society because it showed that the chinese have no confidence in ourself.
  you know, you sound like you - bunnyM 07/27/08 (154)
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