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Kamila Valieva, a Victim
送交者: 王利民 2022年02月18日10:33:03 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Kamila Valieva, a Victim of Politics, Bureaucracy, "Science", Business, and Media

by Limin Wang

Feb. 18, 2022

It's a heart-breaking event even for fans to witness the collapse of a 15-year-young world-elite Russian figure-skate athlete Kamila Valieva on the Feb. 18, 2022 long program during the 24th Winter Olympics, Beijing. Her one-time collapse was all due to the premeditated and coordinated manipulation of THUGS from all aspects, including politics, bureaucracy, "science", business, and media, with a whipped-up story of Trimetazidine (TMZ) onto Kamila Valieva.

Reportedly, the urine sample was collected from Kamila Valieva on Dec. 25, 2021, during a Russian Nationals Championship game, and was sent to a Swedish laboratory credited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Very weirdly, a urine test would take SO LONG and/or the announcement of a "positive" of trimetazidine on the leading figure skater Kamila Valieva would happen until early February of 2022 right after the Russians just won the team's Gold Medals in figure skate on the 24th Winter Olympics! It's a premeditated and coordinated OPEN AND PUBLIC attack on KV, as well as on Russia and Russians, under the veil of "science", "fairness", "justice", etc.

From my background of a tiny bit of "science" and my experiences of enormous bitterness, I would stand up on my ground to fight for KV, Russia, as well as for myself and my own family. For the counterattacks, I would QUESTION for the REAL ANSWERS on TRUTH and JUSTICE.

1. Why it took so LONG for a urine test for KNOWN AND BANNED substance(s)?

2. What the RAW DATA looks like of KV's urine test which claims a "positive" "identification" on trimetazidine?

3. What is the TMZ concentration measured from the test?

4. What controls, if any, were done along with the sample?

5. You have any REAL DEFINITION in REAL MEDICAL AND REAL SCIENTIFIC TERMS on the often prescribed long term "treating" and "preventative" "drug" trimetazidine?

6. If there is NO CONSENSUS, within the M.D. sphere or within heart patients sphere or within the sportsmen sphere, on a chemical, then WHY the WHAT bureaucracies pick OUT WHAT as BANNED and leave out others as acceptable?

7. Last but not least, why the what agencies could not collect a urine sample during the 24th Winter Olympics and test it immediately? If this was done, then I am 1,000% sure the test report is CLEAN, because otherwise, the viciousness of all walks of thugs would pour altogether to inundate KV, Russians, and Russia.

Psychiatry is the most "powerful" "knowledge" being USED BY THE EVIL SYSTEM to rule and/or ruin PEOPLE. The self-claimingly non-political Olympics is actually so VICIOUSLY PROFESSIONALLY POLITICAL. They meticulously target KV directly with a thin veil of "protection", while they also actually use KV as a dividing and hitting tool to attempt an internal war within the Russian Olympic Committee!

On psychiatry, I would relate this world-known incident with my own real experiences. The American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System establishes the social environment for me to study abroad in the USA, and then Li Li, a really-being-neglected-and-misguided-child-"growing-up"-at-her-large-family, starts to chase me the abandoned-boyfriend during her Chinese police work and my Peking Univ graduate student stage. Many people had believed the propaganda of the wonderful "American Dream". Li Li was only cheating on me into a marriage to get her over to the USA, and then to help some relatives of the bogus Communist regime and of her own family to be smuggled to the USA with AMERICAN LEGAL FUNNELS or TUNNELS. Li Li's elder sister ChunLing Li came over and became an American citizen this way, so were ChunLing Li's (ex-)husband Jiangguo Liu and her daughter Yao Liu this way. When I planned to go back to China for work, the humanscums of American Evil System, including the Human Anatomy and Physiology professor at Hudson Valley Community College who sexually seduced the prostitute Li Li, and the prostitute Chunling Li, TAUGHT Li Li then already to create and claim "domestic violence" for her to stay in America and to frame me up!!!!!!! Li Li started her "study" at HVCC to be a nurse, but the psychiatry imposed or self-imposed induces her fear even at the sight of a wound, a scar, a malformation! Then Li Li was "guided" by humanscums to change for "biotechnology", and pretended a continuation for a bachelor's degree at Hunter College at NYC. Instead of studying, Li Li actually wanted to live together with her prostitute biological elder sister ChunLing Li and devoted herself to work at nail salons and spas, which are typically actual whorehouses! When I returned the second time to China for a university job, Li Li was often claiming hardship in her life and raising the two children, because she said ChunLing Li and Yao Liu, living physically together within the same apartment then were NOT helping taking care of the two young children! Li Li talked about sending the two children to China for me to raise while she stayed in the USA to make money! I said NO! When I came back at the end of year 2009, what I saw was so heart-breaking: Li Li & my elder daughter Rosila Wang were coughing a lot and so thin; RW was showing obvious BUCKING teeth; my younger daughter Alexandria Wang was a lot thinner than she had been, and mysterically bled from her nose at least a couple of times. It's so PSYCHIATRICALLY PREPOSTEROUS that Li Li then started to claim her life of making money and raising the two YOUNG daughters was so "successful" and "happy"!!!!!! while my eye witness clearly points to the contrary. Li Li could NOT hold onto a job at any nail salon or spa SUCCESSFULLY and/or HAPPILY for days or weeks or months, leaving alone for years! Li Li was claiming that couples living in Flushing, NY were almost all make-shift partners!!!!! Li Li was occasionally revealing that she was also doing massage as work. Li Li then attempted to have her own nail salon and/or spa, but that could NOT go anywhere, because she could not do a nail work well, and she could not even drive a car SAFELY!!!!!!!! Back many years ago while we briefly had that Nissan Quest van, Li Li said putting the two children on the van would make her a better driver!!!!!!! I absolutely would NEVER allow such a CRAZY woman to endanger my two children's lives. It could well be a SEX BRIBE OR CORRUPTION DEAL when Li Li got her FULL SCORE on her road driving test. AMERICA IS NOT RUN ON CONSTITUTION, BUT ON PROSTITUTION!!!!!! After I had lost my post-doc job at Fox Chase Cancer Center and came back to NYC to take care of the two young children, Li Li had a part-time job at a Brooklyn nail salon run by a Western family for a couple of years. Near the end of her work there, Li Li became psychiatrically symptomatic! Li Li started to claim that a person was using a telescope watching over her! Li Li could have been drugged outside by humanscums during the years probably from 2010 to 2013. Then I started to work outside and leave the children raising to Li Li. However, this CHEATING woman Li Li must have kept her SECRET connections with humanscums outside such as ChunLing Li and others against my advice to her and my knowledge on her! While I started to use my real name online to engage politics such as the Bo XiLai Incident, humanscums of the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System once again use Li Li and the two children for their continuous and sinister plots against me, Limin Wang, their target! The humanscums made Li Li's twice desertions from home in year 2014, and made Li Li's return to home as a PSYCHIATRIC adult woman who almost daily, and often multiple times daily, shows PSYCHOTIC talks and behaviors, which often turn the whole family upside down, this way for YEARS since 2015!!!!!!!! THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM's NYC cops claimed they could not find Li Li during her desertions while they viciously interrogated me, and illegally searched my rental residence multiple times in my absence, and closed the couple's joint bank accounts and helped funnel all the accounts' money to Li Li's new accounts for her WASTE-LIKE RENTAL LIFE OUTSIDE EXPENDING this money without any job, and attempted to frame a real or bogus Li Li's death onto me Limin Wang as her murderer!!!!!!! That's the real explanation why the American Evil System did not have Li Li on the missing person's list and why the Chinese Evil System did not respond to my plead for help!!!!!!! All down the years so far, these SYSTEMATIC HUMANSCUMS have kept infusing the cheating woman Li Li's mind with EVIL such as claiming "domestic violence", even when Li Li was renewing her useless licences from NYS. What the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System can provide to women or girls? Toxic mindset of PROSTITUTION and deceptive practice of PROSTITUTION! It is the it is what it is and they are what they are. Those humanscums have also psychiatrically manipulated my young daughters' mind and behavior, treacherously via all means, including through the embedded humanscums at public schools such as Bronx High School of Science. They infuse the HATE AND BETRAYAL INTO YOUNG CHILDREN AGAINST THEIR OWN PARENTS, so their PROFIT chain of children trafficking to rich families or uterus-fucked-up prostitutes' singles or married families can bo BUSINESS AS USUAL, with POLICE, "MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS" such as PSYCHIATRISTS, SHAMELESS "ATTORNEYS", governmental agency "Administration for Children Services", and PRIVATE BUSINESS foster care such as SCO Family of Services, on this EVIL CHAIN as the indispensable loops of the chain!!!!!!! The Psychiatrists humanscums have imposed the INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT onto my poor young 17-and-a-half-years-old daughter Alexandria Wang at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and then at South Oaks Hospital from Sept. 25 till Oct. 05, 2021, WITHOUT ANY CONSENT FROM EITHER PARENTS OR HER ADULT SISTER OR HERSELF, and then kept AW at a so-called foster-care seemingly named as SCO Family of Services at a location UNDISCLOSED by any means to the PARENTS. They flip-flop their identification on Li Li and Alexandria Wang either as victim of "domestic violence" or "child neglection" or a psychopath!!!!!! Instead of providing any real help, any job, or any assistance to the PSYCHIATRIC or PSYCHOTIC Li Li they have CREATED, for her own SEPARATE LIVING at a SEPARATE PLACE, the humanscums rip my almost 18-yr-old Alexandria Wang away from the family while AW needs a Psychiatric-Li Li-FREE environment at home with THE REST OF THE FAMILY! Furthermore, the humanscums of the American Evil System have imposed a rental residence EVICTION onto this family, once again with their TREACHEROUSLY VICIOUS LIES to threaten and misguide my young daughters referred as "JOHN DOE" and "JANE DOE". I had told the children to leave this eviction matter to me, but particularly the younger daughter, Alexandria Wang, had fallen into the humanscums' psychiatric traps and kept contacting outside humanscums about the eviction. The AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM identifies their such EVIL PRACTICES as "RULE OF LAW" via the phony court system. THE CHINESE EVIL SYSTEM claims it has no authority on matters of AMERICANS! WHY THE FUCK THE SPECIAL-COLORED PHONY CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY HAVE FOREIGNERS AS CHINESE ATHLETES IN OLYMPIC GAMES FOR THE BOGUS DEVELOPMENT?????? What happens to their claimed "rule of law" on their nationality law?????? I have been murder-attempted by the humanscums of the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System multiple times, first at slavery workplaces and then at the NYS Workers' Compensation Board authorized medical clinics and have sustained serious injuries directly onto my central nervous system with symptoms all over the body, the humanscums of the ACHES would not render justice, health recovery and rehabitation, or compensation, but they have kept using PSYCHIATRISTS, most noteably, JEWISH PSYCHIATRISTS, to label all my sufferings as merely psychogenical, and to insult my anger as intrinsically psychopathic!!!!!!!!! 

From this world-known incident on a world-known prodigy 15-year-young Kamila Valieva, honest, independent, knowledgeable, intelligent, and brave people can witness the PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED EVIL from humanscums in the political, bureaucratic, "scientific", business, and media BUBBLES. We the people must pop up those phony glory bubbles, because many many of the people, including me and my family members, have suffered tremendously from those HUMANSCUMS. 

  更新。加了長段我自家的遭遇。  /無內容 - 王利民 02/19/22 (103)
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