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送交者: Jeffymoen 2016年08月25日00:16:06 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

现在新能源已经越来越受欢迎,各种新能源领域的产业开始兴起,电动汽车就是其中一个大的方面。电动汽车的推广伴随着充电的使用推广,所以对充电的要求也必将要高,各处的连接必须非常紧密。这时,连接器的压接形式相当重要,传统六边形压接已经满足不了品质要求,需要运用四芯轴8点式压接提供更加可靠的连接器品质保障。纵观国内,只有嘉兴市精锐仪器有限公司是专业生产M22520四芯轴压接工具的厂商。不仅提供产品,还提供定期维修和售后服务,这就是Precisetool之所以存在的必要性。Precisetoolproducing Precise tool。联系方式:Lujianfei@precisetool.com.cn   QQ:2127554436


Something about Electric vehicle Charging Gun

Now, new energy is more and more popular in our daily life, all kinds of new energy industry begin to rise, electric vehicle is one of the major aspects. The promotion of electric vehicle is following with the promotion of charging gun. So the requirements for quality of charging gun must be high, so does the connection in charging gun. Thus, the crimp style of connectors plays a vital importance, previous Hexagon mold crimping cant satisfy the quality requirements, Four- indent Crimping is required to provide more reliable quality guarantee of connectors. In China, Precisetool is the only manufacturer producing M22520 Crimping tool. We provide not only products, but also after-sale service. Precisetool, producing Precise tool. Contact: Lujianfei@precisetool.com.cn

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