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送交者: 求真知 2017年02月19日11:23:35 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


How 2 Math Grads are Disrupting the Auto Insurance Industry



Sunday Feb 05, 2017

Los Angeles, California – Recent articles indicate that drivers are paying too much for car insurance.

Are you aware that you could receive a large discount just for using this new startup's service? In addition, if you are currently insured and live in a qualified ZIP code you may get an extremely high discount.

For a long time, there was no easy way to compare quotes from all of these huge car insurance companies. You had to check one site, then jump to another and enter all of your information all over again. Drivers were stuck doing all the work to save money. Now, all that is changing. Thanks to this new startup, EverQuote™, the information you need to help you save can be found in one place. EverQuote™ is not an insurer, but a comparison shopping marketplace. Featured in the Inc. 5000 list as one of the fastest growing companies for 2016, it is not a question that customers are finding what they are looking for - lower quotes.

What exactly do you need to do? Here is one easy rule to follow.

You have to compare quotes. Don’t even consider buying car insurance without doing this first. After all the results we came across, we just couldn’t believe how many drivers have been overpaying. And with free services like EverQuote™, comparing quotes today so that you aren’t accidentally costing yourself money is a breeze.


Drivers don’t always realize that car insurance agents make money from your premiums. So, the higher your rate, the more money the agent receives. This system may make it difficult to determine if you are getting a fair price. Fortunately, a lot of smart drivers out there figured out just how to cut down their insurance bill by using free internet tools to get honest and fair quotes.

It’s really no wonder that with so many drivers saving money, services like these are gaining momentum. EverQuote™ is an efficient source that tries to give consumers the lowest rates with tools you can trust. Just imagine what you could do with the money you save!

Follow These Steps to Save Money with EverQuote™:

  1. Simply check your ZIP code below.

  2. After you enter your ZIP code and some driver information, you can view all of your quotes from top-rated car insurance companies and agents local to you.

  3. Put money back into your pocket!


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