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翻译: 白種種族主憳襯---流血和领土
送交者: MozartFlute 2017年03月14日20:45:09 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

马里兰大学校报Dimondback报导,多张由白人至上组织张贴的海报13日出现在总校区College Park的校。在"给所有白人的告示"(A Notice to All White Americans)海报中指出,"举报非法移民是你做为一个美国公民的务",同时也告诉美国移民與海关执行署(ICE),非法移民是罪犯,"美国是个白人国家"(America is a white nation)


笔者查阅了他们的網站(bloodandsoil.org -- 血缘和领地(或:流血和领土)), 满屏黑色,有一種肃杀,恐怖的氣氛.







在开始之前,让我们讲明壞消息。 有一天,我们人会死。 我们将死在结束时只能被描述为一个很长,很长, 很长的工作日。 我们出生,是这一天的开始。 我们作为孩子被养育,早晨准备工作。 然後我们是成年人,一天的劳动,與它的快乐和悲伤,占了我们大部分的有意识的时间。 在我们(希望是)退休的短暂时期,我们的生命日沉入了傍晚,我们放鬆了一点之前,我们从凡人--人世的圈子中流出。 

知道我们将再次醒来,到永恆的一天,是上帝的祝福,耶稣已经通过他的被钉十字架和復活向他保证。 然而,那个时代还没有在我们身上,所以我们祈祷基督的回来,並学习如何处理这一天。


Embracing The Curse

february 15, 2017 by vanguardsofamerica, posted in articles

By the American Vanguard Chaplaincy:

Before I begin, let’s dispense with the bad news. One day, we men will die. We will die at the end of what can only be described as a long, long, long work day. We are born, and the day starts. We are raised up as children, and have the morning preparations for work. Then we are adults, and the day’s labor, with its joys and sorrows, takes up most of our conscious time. For a brief period when we (hopefully) retire, our life’s Day sinks into evening, and we relax a little before our mortal coil is shed. Knowing that we shall awake once more, to an eternal Day, is a blessing from God, Jesus having assured it by His Crucifixion and Resurrection. However, that era is not yet upon us, and so we pray for Christ’s return, and learn how to deal with this Day as it is.

建立这種心态,对於所有将自己置身於右翼运动的人士来说是绝对必要的。 我们不是一个乌托邦的想法,承诺一些 阶级的社会或完善的}政,所以我们必须处理事实和下赌注於现实。 因为我们的Vanguard先锋队的目标,不会停止承认我们自己所处的的(严峻)环境,因为我们会被迫违背 自己的意願, 勇於承恕W帝確立的赋予我们人职责、务, 我们的此種的努力永远不会结束。

Establishing this mindset is absolutely necessary for all who would put themselves on the Right. Ours is not a Utopian idea, promising some classless society or perfect constitutional government, and so we must deal in facts and bet on reality. The temptation for one to become so subsumed by the political battle, by the goals of our Vanguard, without stopping to recognize our own human situation, is perilous to one’s own soul, for we run the risk of running counter to what God has established, and such endeavors never end well.

让我们认识何谓“死亡”。 我们知道“人终将会死去,在这以後有审判”(希伯来书9:27-KJV)。 你想过你的家人吗? 你为你的孩子的未来而战斗,或者至少在你过世後为他们挣得了一笔遗产。 你经常花时间祷告和服侍上帝吗? 我应该希望此封信对你已经是不可或缺的 - 他貝w你的命运比你的妻子所能貝w的还要多! 此外,你在生性平和吗? 你停止挥拳在全能的神面前起誓,並时刻准备为了这个理想Y身早亡? 

总而言之,我们为保存白種人(生存)的斗争可能使我们得付出生命的代價,我们可能会因表达对上帝的爱而殉道成为烈士,就摮u死, 为了我们的人民

(译註:XX主樽]是如此洗脑, 川普也说:我为了美国人民, 媒體是人民公敌)。 我们的主知道,我们的运动是对堩古(文明)和真理的復兴; 欧洲人,再一次,为自己站起来(译註:Make American Great Again)。

Let us recognize death for what it is. We know that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Heb.9:27 – KJV). Have you thought about your family? Have you fought for your children’s’ future, or at least earned an inheritance for them once you have passed? Have you spent regular time in prayer and service to God? I should hope this latter is indispensable to you already – He decides your fate much more than your wife! Also, are you at peace with it? Have you stopped shaking your fist at the Almighty, and prepared yourself for the possibility of an early death? After all, our struggle for White preservation may cost us our lives, and we may die a martyr’s death for demonstrating Godly love to our own people. Lord knows, our movement is the resurgence復兴 of something old and true; Europeans, for once, are standing up for themselves.


现在有一个好消息! 我们此生的生命,为神而活,这里有一个值得褒奖的宿命/诅咒 - 你理解对了。 同帚鹵J命/诅咒 -- 上帝给了亚当和他所有後裔们的, 在其中包含了美妙的东西, 看看你能否抓住这命运:

Now for the good news! This life we live, as we live it for God, has a rewarding curse – you read that correctly. The same curse which God gave to Adam and all his descendants contains within it something wonderful. Let’s see if you can catch it:

创世纪3:17-19 -RSV


又 對 亞 當 說 、 你 既 聽 從 妻 子 的 話 、 吃 了 我 所 吩 咐 你 不 可 吃 的 那 樹 上 的 果 子 、 地 必 為 你 的 緣 故 受 咒 詛 . 你 必 終 身 勞 苦 、 才 能 從 地 里 得 吃 的 。


地 必 給 你 長 出 荊 棘 和 蒺 藜 來 、 你 也 要 吃 田 間 的 菜 蔬 。


你 必 汗 流 滿 面 才 得 糊 口 、 直 到 你 歸 了 土 、 因 為 你 是 從 土 而 出 的 . 你 本 是 塵 土 、 仍 要 歸 於 塵 土 。

And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.

In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” – Genesis 3:17-19 -RSV

看见了吗? “ 你 必 終 身 勞 苦 、 才 能 從 地 里 得所需的食物 。”和“你必须汗 流 滿 面才得以勉L糊口” - 这些不是不合格的邪恶放在人身上。 是的,上帝诅咒男人,使他们的工作更难,但诅咒不是工作本身。 工作被麵包奖励,我们通过我们不断增长的肌肉和专业知识,不单单是一个鼓涨的肚腹,而是人们经过坚持不懈的努力,来实现上帝的承诺。 正是出於这个神聖的原因,同生命中“ 聊”作斗争,是我们必须要茩指L调要做的。

Did you see it? “In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life,” and “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread” – these are not unqualified evils placed upon man. Yes, God cursed men by making their work harder, but the curse is not work itself. Work is rewarded with bread, and we see by our growing muscles and expertise that it is not simply a full belly, but fulfillment that God promises to mankind through this constant effort. It is for this reason Solomon, during his struggle with the apparent meaninglessness in life, states emphatically

传道书 5:18 我所见为善为美的,就是人在神赐他一生的日子吃喝,享受日光之下劳碌得来的好处,因为这是他的份。

“Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.” – Ecclesiastes 传道书 5:18 -KJV

如果我们的主因为我们的罪而咒诅我们死亡,我们应该处於更糟糕的境地,生活没有目的,完全盲目,直到我们再次变成尘土。我们看到这與美国的雾化(原子分裂般的)青年,灵魂可憐, 所事事。他们什厶也得不到,所以他们所有的所作的是乌有; 不管他们如何如何,他们会恨他们的生命,因为这不是上帝奖赏他们的东西。如果你负悄I重, 鼓足勇氣(拼命向前),因为上帝会更加慷慨地赐予你豐富的生活, 论你所得 幾。

让我们用我们的双手,和我们的头脑,像我们的欧洲祖先所做的那屆A 来锤炼出(一个奇迹)。白種人比任何其他民族更努力地工作,传播基督的标准,不知疲倦地建设教堂和城堡,和(美丽的哥特式的高耸的)尖塔和(小巧向秀美的的)护栏,来弘扬主。我们看到上帝的恩赐, 在1700年中从灰烬中建立欧洲文明,使整个大陆成为美丽家,和人文技术以及医学。我们为继承的遗产和成就而自豪,並继续弘扬传统!

If our Lord had simply cursed us with dying on account of our sins, we should be in a worse position, living with no purpose, completely aimless, until we become dust once more. We see this with the atomized youth of America, the poor souls who do nothing in life. They earned nothing, and so all they have and do is counted as nothing; no matter how much they have, they will hate their life, for it is not something God has rewarded them with. If you are under a heavy burden, take courage, for God will deal with you more generously with a rich life no matter how little you have.

Let us use our hands, let us use our minds, and forge锻造 something as our European ancestors did. The White Man works harder than any other, having borne the standard of Christ and tirelessly hewn the cathedrals and castles, the spire and parapet, in honor of Him. We see the gift of God in the seventeen hundred years that Europe built civilization up from ashes, homesteaded a whole continent, and gave humanity technology and medicine. Take pride in your heritage, for it is an earned one, and continue the tradition!

还要注意,这只是一个命令,它是一个好处: 如果我们抗拒它, 我们会局促不安,这会伤害我们,选择去拥抱懒惰,而不去拥抱这宿命/诅咒,这会毁灭一个人的灵魂。 聖经将不断地谴责怠惰,我们看到妇女拒绝跟随她的宿命(译註: 指夏娃),而她选择叛逆, 导致腐烂的恶果;  女权主撜y就了我们这个星球上最痛苦,不快乐,愠怒和悲伤的女性,四分之三的女权主憟髐l使用抗抗抑鬱药, 养S来取取悦, 而不是养一个令人喜爱的孩子。 我们必须从她们的错误中学习,来培养我们的坚L,健壮地成长。

如果有人不工作,让他不得食(译注,这里暗指墨西哥非法移民,不劳而获, 要剥夺他们吃饭的权利, 把他们驱逐出境)。 - 帖撒罗尼迦前书3:10 - RSV

Yet also take note that this is just as much a command and it is a benefit. There is a malaise 莫名的不安 that harms us if we rebel, choosing laziness over embracing the curse, and this destroys a man’s soul. Scripture will continuously condemn sloth, and we see the rotten fruits of rebellion in woman’s refusal to follow her curse; feminism gave us the most bitter, unhappy, angry, and sorrowful women on the planet, three quarters of them on antidepressants and the cat replacing the joy of a child. Learn from their mistake, be strong, and thrive.

If any one will not work, let him not eat. – 2 Thessalonians 3:10 -RSV

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