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送交者: newwild 2017年10月09日09:20:10 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

達拉斯牛仔隊的老闆Jerry Jones已經對自己球隊的球員下了通牒:奏國歌時,要麼好好站着表達對國歌的尊重,要麼就滾一邊去。那些不自重的傢伙,終於有人收拾你們了!哈哈。Jerry,你好牛氣,是個真男人!

Jerry Jones gives Cowboys players ultimatum: Stand for anthem or sit for game

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Sunday any player who disrespects the flag will not play.
Jones’ comments, the strongest made on the anthem controversy, came after he was asked about Vice President Mike Penceleaving the game in Indianapolis early after several San Francisco 49ers players took a knee during the national anthem.

"I know this, we cannot ... in the NFL in any way give the implication that we tolerate disrespecting the flag," he said. "We know that there is a serious debate in this country about those issues, but there is no question in my mind that the National Football League and the Dallas Cowboys are going to stand up for the flag. So we're clear."

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