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Guo Wengui 's Fugitive Road
送交者: 天空之城 2017年10月21日02:15:22 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Guo Wengui, who was born in 1967 in Shandong province of China, his  companies were suspected of suspected of more than 18 charges, involving more than 180 billion debt disputes.

It is reported that as the actual controller of Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd., in order to reduce the company's illegal construction penalties, as well as the lifting of its bank frozen 160 million yuan (the same below), since 2010 , Guo Wengui has  bribes Ministry of National Security Deputy Minister Ma Jian 11 times, involving the total value of goods amounted to more than 6000 million.
It is known that Guo Wengui flee outside on December 23, 2013, and on suspicion of bribery, in the following year on April 17, the Chinese prosecution approved the arrest. In January 2015, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission confirmed that Ma Jian committed a serious violation of law and discipline. In March, the mainland a number of media reports Ma Jian and Guo Wengui have collusion and guilty.
Till December last year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that after investigation found that Ma Jian serious discipline, the use of the convenience of his office for the benefit of others, accept huge amounts of money, suspected of bribery. The Central Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) approved the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and decided to give Ma Jiancai a party and dismissal from the public office.

Red Bulletin commonly known as the "red arrest warrant", is a member of Interpol who asked his country to assist in the investigation of crime issued when one of the international notification, is the highest level of arrest warrant, valid for 5 years. As long as the suspect is at large, the red arrest warrant will always play a role.

Since Guo Wengui fleeing the United States, long hiding in New York Sydney - the Netherlands hotel 18-story room, and repeatedly tried through the video site "broke the news", but the speech is extremely ridiculous to become the majority of Internet users laughing stock.

At the same time, almost every day spontaneous assembly of New York citizens in front of the hotel banner, slogan, asked Guo Wengui to accept legal sanctions, debt repayment, the day of the wanted seems to be getting worse.

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