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颱風過後豬還能飛嗎? 比亞迪特斯拉和獵鷹
送交者: 香椿樹1 2018年02月19日07:20:36 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

中國比亞迪的颱風是政府補貼政策 (800億), 特斯拉的颱風是市場炒作。 暴力捆綁數千個松下生產小鋰電池的特斯拉真是一頭豬, 但是打扮的實在漂亮, 捆綁的最大問題是危險, 鋰電池也相當危險。 好在特斯拉的用戶自己多半不開車, 遇到車禍而爆炸燃燒的機會不是很多。 所以別以為賭博膽大的豬一定能飛, 你也要揣摩“市場”心理, 找到用戶最柔軟的弱點,然後加以利用。 重載獵鷹, 特斯拉, 超級環, 每一個穴位都是準確的痛點。

If CATL made itself into an emerging battery giant on the strength of Chinese policy, Zeng already appears worried about securing a future without that help. In April, he sent an internal email meant to motivate his employees. The title of his letter posed a question: “When the typhoon comes, can pigs really fly?”

Zeng proceeded to use an allegory to caution workers against complacency. “Is the pig really flying? What happened to the pig after the typhoon is gone?” he wrote, according to the company’s WeChat account. The pig is the company, the strong winds are government subsidies, and the danger is that favorable policies won’t always be there to provide uplift.

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