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手機版: 加拿大是法治國家。我和世界都為之驕傲。但是,
送交者: 老樂譜 2019年02月17日07:25:04 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
"Canada was following the rule of law." ; "Canada understands the rule of law." Please forward this below. UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Amnesty International Canada International Criminal Court Canadian Government "Canada was following the rule of law." ; "Canada understands the rule of law." I am so proud of it. And, the world is proud of it too. The prime minister’s office is accused of politically interfering in the SNC-Lavalin fraud case by pressuring former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/7xnk8d/justin-trudeau-welcomes-investigation-into-alleged-prosecution-interference What about Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government...who are living as my neighbors and gathering around and in my workplace? http://peacepink.ning.com/m/event?id=2351430%3AEvent%3A757494 ( They all hack this website and my pages. ) http://peacepink.ning.com/m/event?id=2351430%3AEvent%3A765116 ( They all hack this website and my pages. ) This website and my pages are for UN, International Human Rights Community Community, and International Criminal Court, which have my all evidence. Meanwhile, they are madly hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using after they all stand up and speak out for me, not only for me, including Attorney General of Canada , Ontario Ombudsman, Mr. Marco Rubio... Mr. Marco Rubio many times questions Facebook, Google, Twitter about foreign influence on social media before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Please see these two videos below: https://youtu.be/0hd0ByfDx8U "Google A No-Show At Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing In Washington" https://youtu.be/o5oJonFTYoI Recently, just recently, Amnesty International Canada : " Ontario, there must be accountability for police actions." Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 18/02/2018
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