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Royal Tyrrell Museum
送交者: sonota_hash 2019年09月09日06:45:25 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
Royal Tyrrell Museum, Highway 838 (From the intersection of Railway Ave S / Hwy 575 and Bridge St / HWY-56 / HWY-9, go north on Bridge St for 1.2 km, crossing river. At well-marked intersection,turn left (west) onto Dinosaur Trail / Highway 838. Go west for 5.2 km. At Tyrrell Museum sign, turn right (north) onto the museum's road, go north for 0.9km to the museum.), ? +1-403-823-7707 (tyrrell.info@gov.ab.ca, fax: +1-403-823-7131), [1]. Tue-Sun 10AM-5PM from Sunday of Labour Day (first Monday in September) weekend to second Monday in May. Daily 9AM-9PM, spring/summer. A spectacular range of exhibits and activities showing off the rich fossils of the Alberta badlands, from dinosaurs to pollen. Plenty to see and do. Hundreds of thousands of visitors per year. There are a variety of moderate hikes to fossil artifacts, starting from the museum during the summer months. Toll free phone in Alberta: 310-0000 then 403-823-7707. Toll free phone in North America (outside Alberta): 1-888-440-4240. Adults $11, seniors (65 and up) $8, youth $6, children 6 years and under free; family of two adults and up to 6 children age 7 to 17 $30; two-day tickets available for 1.5 times the single-day price. 
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