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Will Trump Make TikTok Great Again?
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月09日16:10:22 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Former President Trump seems convinced that TikTok is now his ally, given President Biden's intention to crack down on the Beijing-backed social media platform. 

Back in 2020, Trump initiated a campaign against TikTok from the White House, but circumstances have changed.

In a recent post on Truth Social dated March 7th, Trump issued this warning:

"If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck will double their business. I don't want Facebook, which cheated in the last Election, doing better. They are a true Enemy of the People!"

Mr. Zuckerberg, you are "a true Enemy of the People," according to President Trump of the People's Republic of America.

With Trump's support, TikTok certainly knows which side its bread is buttered on.

Author: renqiulan


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