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China Hawks in America
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月13日16:17:34 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

China Hawks come from where Bald Eagles call home. They are geopolitically conscious Americans known for advocating a tough stance against the Chinese Communist Party, particularly concerning national security and trade.

This morning, in the U.S. House of Representatives, China Hawks swooped down on TikTok, successfully passing legislation against the CCP's front masquerading as a USA social media platform. The U.S. Senate is the next battleground where TikTok's fate will be decided.

Meanwhile, former President Trump has softened his tone on TikTok lately, reserving his hostility and contempt for Facebook, his current media enemy.

As for President Biden, he has pledged to sign an anti-TikTok bill, despite having also been running campaign ads on the Beijing-backed platform since last month.

Beyond Biden and Trump, China Hawks are spearheading the counter-CCP effort, prompting TikTok to hit the panic button.

In Washington, D.C., powerful lobbyists are busily defending the interests of the CCP proxy. "Let's beat Americans at their own game," said a TikTok minion.

Author: renqiulan


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