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My New York (3) : Her Majesty
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月30日16:18:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

The Central Park aviary used to be Her Majesty's queendom. No one can figure out how she could leave without a trace. Anyway, she's now as free as a bird. But wait. Is she just a bird? Some wonder aloud.

Many New Yorkers applaud Her Majesty's "jailbreak," while many more pray for her return to the sanctuary, noting that the streets are not very safe these days. Then, unnecessarily but unavoidably, a social media war breaks out between "free-her-ers" and "keep-her-ers." Rival politicians jump in, as expected, when whoever or whatever becomes the talk of the town.

Meanwhile, authorities have mobilized a team of park rangers and wildlife experts to search for Her Majesty, utilizing drones and thermal imaging technology to scour every nook and cranny, but to no avail.

Atop the highest point in moonlit Queens, Goddess Athena stands with a majestic owl perched upon her snow-white shoulder.

Author: renqiulan


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