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A Nation of Dissidents
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月31日16:23:36 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

(A Sunday Book Club Post)


Having concluded my re-reading of the United States Constitution, I am left with the following thoughts:

The founders of American Democracy shared a fervent commitment to thwarting any would-be dictator through a deliberate system of checks and balances.

As Americans, we don't necessarily fall in line with our political leaders. Instead, we are united by our longstanding belief that politicians are prone to corruption when given excessive power. It is no wonder that our Constitution makes it challenging for politicians while offering protections to dissidents.

Dissent is both a right and a responsibility. Maintaining a healthy skepticism, we should never forget to look under the hood, idiomatically speaking, especially when politicians sell their policies like car salespeople.

Being a U.S. citizen means being ready to disagree with those in power or vying for power. Citizenship and dictatorship must be mutually exclusive.

Our dissident-friendly system has proven effective, attracting diasporas from all corners of the world. That's why dictators, who suppress dissent, go to such lengths to prevent their people from seeking refuge here.

Author: renqiulan


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