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The Golden Rule of Democracy
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月02日16:14:37 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

One of the hallmarks of American democracy is its rejection of ideological purity in favor of compromise and incremental progress. This pragmatic approach to governance is evident throughout the country's history, where political leaders from across the ideological spectrum have often been compelled to collaborate, finding common ground to advance the collective interests of the nation.

Take the burning issue of Ukraine, for example. In a more or less bipartisan fashion, the Senate has already passed an aid package. Should the GOP House Speaker, Mike Johnson, continue to obstruct? Trumpists may not care, but most Americans do. Speaker Johnson, to his credit, signals that he is willing to work out a compromise with Biden: In return for the House's approval of the Ukraine aid package, Biden will grant new permits for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facilities in Louisiana, the Speaker's home state. (Every politician has to bring home the bacon, so to speak.) 

No soaring speech can surpass a practical solution to a practical problem. With pragmatism as the golden rule, American democracy has showcased its adaptability in navigating periods of adversity.

Author: renqiulan

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