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Dictators' Demographic Warfare
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月04日16:19:01 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

A nation is a populated state. Once depopulated, a nation ceases to exist. That's the essence of genocide. 

By inducing a diaspora or brain drain, demographic warfare is akin to genocide against a targeted nation.

Russia, Iran, and the People's Republic of China are engaging in demographic warfare against Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, respectively.

Ukraine (population: 37.6 million)

A failed blitzkrieg has compelled Putin to resort to a war of attrition against Ukraine. If Kyiv cannot overpower Moscow with firepower soon, Ukraine will exhaust its fighters.

Israel (population: 9.2 million)

Israel might be able to neutralize Hamas, but Iran has more than enough proxies to put Israelis in grave danger. Given this situation, Israelis might start leaving their homeland. Time is on Iran's side.

Taiwan (population: 23.9 million)

Taiwanese may fare a bit better. In all likelihood, they will outlive Xi Jinping.
What might still keep them up at night is a return of isolationism in America, which could invite an all-out attack from the other side of the Taiwan Strait.

We are in Cold War II.

Author: renqiulan


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