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The Specter of Isolationism
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月10日16:33:53 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

As a nation, the United States was born with "Europe fatigue." Immigrants from Europe were, and still are, weary of war-related disruptions in their countries of origin. It is little wonder that isolationist sentiments have gained a foothold under the American flag.

That's why a European ally like France makes no secret of viewing American protection with a hint of skepticism. "Would the U.S. genuinely consider sacrificing New York in a nuclear exchange to defend Paris?" Charles de Gaulle once posed this question to John F. Kennedy during the 1961 Berlin crisis.

De Gaulle was convinced only after President Kennedy had resolutely resolved the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. That being said, France remains a nuclear power today. Self-defense cannot and should not be outsourced, after all. 

In Europe, except for Britain, no other NATO member comes close to France in terms of nuclear deterrence. But, would Putin be deterred by France and Britain, particularly if he could reach Poland through Ukraine? 

Back to the USA. A re-elected Trump might or might not play a Reagan who kept the former Soviet Union at bay. However, by rhetorically inviting Putin as his NATO membership fee collector, Trump could turn on a dime and act like an isolationist, if that would serve his political interests. 

Don't we miss President Reagan?

Author: renqiulan


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