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送交者: 求真知 2014年04月20日23:39:15 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


2014年02月08日13:38  半島網-城市信報 
圖片來自網絡。 圖片來自網絡。

據美國媒體2月6日報道,讓全世界每個角落都覆蓋無線網,聽上去好像是個美麗的設想,不過美國一家科技公司打算把它變成現實。這家公司預計在 2015年6月前向近地軌道發射數百顆迷你衛星,這些衛星面向地球持續釋放無線網絡信號,覆蓋世界各地,使用任何電子終端都能連接上無線網。   

這家充滿雄心壯志的公司是美國的媒體發展投資基金公司,他們的項目叫“Outernet”。這家公司正在與美國航天局聯繫,希望獲得幫助,在國 際空間站進行信號釋放測試,後期還需要美國航天局幫忙把數百顆cubesats迷你衛星送入指定軌道。按照設想,進入預定軌道後的衛星能夠接收來自地面基 站釋放的網絡數據,衛星需要對這些數據進行解析,並轉換成無線網絡釋放到地球上。




Outernet項目的種子基金是由一家非盈利組織Digital News Ventures提供,該機構表示希望能夠籌得足夠的基金將這些人造衛星發射到近地軌道上去!

這項“烏托邦”式的計劃已獲得了許多網友的支持,而比特幣錢包Blockchain,Ubuntu,世界地圖OpenStreetMap,以及 維基百科等都加入了“支持”大隊之中。但同樣反對之聲亦是不少,來自社交網站Reddit和其他網站的一些評論家對此項目都持懷疑態度,且提出了許多懸而 未決的問題!

Published: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 13:49 

Free wifi for everyone on earth soon !

www.stewartsigns.com/ContactUs Washington, Feb 26:

Here is a glad news - A US company is planning to build a global network of cube satellites to provide internet to all the people on the planet . And its for free ! The New York based non-profit organization , Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), is trying to offer free internet access to all people, regardless of location. And the project looks forward to bypass filtering or other means of censorship too. According to the project proposal, hundreds of cube satellites will be built and launched to create a pool in the sky, allowing anyone with a phone or computer to access Internet data sent to the satellites by several hundred ground stations, says a AP report. "40% of people devoid of internet connection" The organization claims that 40% of the people in the world today are still not able to connect to the internet due to many reasons like government restrictions and high cost. The project would allow people from remote areas like Siberia to parts of the western US to remote islands or villages in Africa to receive the same news as those in New York or Tokyo. However, the project is not cheap. MDIF has said that building and launching such satellites typically run $100,000 to $300,000. The timeline for the project calls for deploying the initial cubesats as early as next summer.

Read more at: http://news.oneindia.in/india/coming-soon-free-wifi-everyone-on-earth-1402586.html

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