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China Digital Space

Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon (arranged alphabetically)

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This page is organized in pinyin (Chinese romanization) order. For example, the entry “grass-mud horse” is under the letter “C” for caonima and appears with first the Chinese characters, then the pinyin and the English (i.e. 草泥馬 (caonima) grass-mud horse). Pinyin is ordered by syllable: ex. the entry for chayao ji comes before Chai na, as the first syllables are cha and chai, respectively. This is further ordered by the order of the tones: hence entries beginning with “fǎn” precede those starting with “fàn,” etc.

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Introduction to the Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon


  1. 愛國賊 (aiguozei) patriotraitor
  2. 愛未來 (ai weilai) love the future
  3. 按爹分配 (andie fenpei)


  1. 八萬哥 (Bawan Ge) 80K Brother
  2. 霸道部 (Badao Bu) Ministry of Bullying
  3. 百分之六十二 (baifen zhi liushi’er) sixty-two percent
  4. 被時代 (bei shidai) passive era
  5. 被“庹” (bei “Tuo”) be “Tuoed”
  6. 被X, 被代表,被自殺,被增長,被牆奸 (bei X) be X-ed
  7. 表哥、表叔、表嫂 (Biao Ge) Watch Brother
  8. 別有用心 (bieyouyongxin) ulterior motives
  9. 薄督 (Bo Du) Captain Bo
  10. 不差錢 (bu cha qian) no shortage of money
  11. 不明真相 (bumingzhenxiang) don’t understand the actual situation
  12. 布鳴真象 (見:真象) (bu ming zhenxiang) cloth-chirping elephant of truth: see elephant of truth
  13. 不要亂說話 (bu yao luan shuohua) do not make irresponsible remarks
  14. 不折騰 (bu zheteng) free from turmoil


  1. 草泥馬 (caonima) grass-mud horse
  2. CCAV China Central Adult Video
  3. 側滑 (ce hua) slip
  4. 拆哪 (Chai na) Demolish it
  5. 抄水錶 (chao shuibiao) check the water meter
  6. 叉腰肌 (chayao ji) iliopsoas
  7. 吃飽了沒事幹的外國人 (chi bao le mei shi gan de waiguoren) foreigners who have eaten their fill and have nothing better to do
  8. 秤砣 (cheng tuo) steelyard weight
  9. Chinternet
  10. 此貼必刪 刪前留名 (ci tie bi shan, shan qian liuming) this post must be deleted; before it is deleted please leave your name
  11. 初級階段 (chuji jieduan) preliminary stage (of socialism)


  1. 打醬油 (da jiangyou) get soy sauce
  2. 大褲衩 (da kucha) Big Boxer Shorts
  3. 大清 (Da Qing) Empire of the Great Qing
  4. 打疫苗 (da yimiao) get immunized
  5. 大中華局域網 (Da Zhonghua Juyuwang) Great Chinese LAN
  6. 戴避孕套不算強姦 (dai biyuntao bu suan qiangjian) it’s not rape if you wear a condom
  7. 帶路黨 (Dai Lu Dang) Leading Party
  8. 蛋炒飯 (dan chaofan) egg fried rice
  9. 黨性大發 (dangxing dafa) give free reign to one’s “Party” nature
  10. 檔中央 (Dang Zhongyang) Party Central Committee
  11. 帝都 (didu) imperial capital
  12. 地溝油 (digou you) ditch oil
  13. 低俗 (disu) vulgar
  14. 叼飛盤 (diaofeipan)
  15. 刁民 (diaomin) trouble-makers
  16. 釣魚執法 (diaoyu zhifa) entrapment
  17. 刁總 (diaozong) Xi Jinping
  18. 都是你媽逼的 (dou shi ni ma bi de) your mother forced this on us
  19. 都督 (dūdu) governor-general: see Captain Bo
  20. 毒豺 (du chai) poison jackal
  21. 毒大米 (du dami) poison rice
  22. 毒奶粉 (du naifen) poison milk powder
  23. 多名女性 (duo ming nüxing) several women
  24. 躲貓貓 (死)(duo maomao (si)) death by hide-and-seek


  1. 耳光 (er guang) slap on the face
  2. 二會 (Er Hui) Stupid Sessions


  1. 法律不是擋箭牌 (falü bu shi dangjianpai) law is not a shield
  2. 翻牆 (fan qiang) scale the wall
  3. 反腐姐妹花 (fan-fu jiemei hua) lovely anti-corruption sisters
  4. 反腐女戰士 (fan-fu nüzhanshi) anti-corruption warrior princess
  5. 飯醉 (fan zui) rice-drunk
  6. 方便麵 (fagbian mian) instant noodles: see Master Kang
  7. 房奴 (fang nu) mortgage slave
  8. 房叔 (Fang Shu) Uncle House
  9. 非法獻花 非法吃喝,非法默哀,非法XX (feifa xianhua, feifa chihe, feifa mo’ai, feifa XX) illegal dedication of flowers, illegal eating and drinking, illegal silent tribute, illegal XX
  10. 非正常方式 (fei zhengchang fangshi) unusual method
  11. 飛盤胡 (Feipan Hu) Frisbee Hu
  12. 糞青 (fenqing) shit youth
  13. 斧頭幫 (futou bang) axe gang
  14. 俯臥撐 (fuwocheng) push-ups
  15. 富二代 (fu er dai) rich second generation


  1. 乾爹 (gandie) godfather
  2. 干涉內政 (ganshe neizheng) interfere with internal affairs
  3. 感謝國家 (ganxie guojia) thanks to the country
  4. 給人民一個膠帶 (gei renmin yi ge jiaodai) give the people some tape
  5. GFW 防火長城 (fanghuo changheng) Great Firewall of China
  6. GFW之父 (GFW zhi fu) Father of the Great Firewall
  7. 功夫網 (Gongfu Wang) Kung Fu Net
  8. 共餐黨
  9. 谷鴿 (gu ge) valley dove
  10. 骨哥 (gu ge) bone brother
  11. 孤立事件 (guli shijian) isolated incident
  12. 怪蜀黍 (guai shushu) strange sorghum
  13. 官二代 (guan er dai) governing second generation
  14. 官府 (guanfu) local fiefdom
  15. 鸛狸猿 (guanliyuan) watered weasel-ape
  16. 光腚腫菊 (guangding zhong ju) bare bottom swollen anus
  17. 廣電總急 (Guang Dian zong ji) SARFT is always anxious
  18. 貴國 (gui guo) expensive country
  19. 跪國 (gui guo) kneeling country
  20. 郭美美baby (Guo Meimei Baby) Guo Meimei
  21. 國寶 (guobao) national treasure
  22. 國家羅漢 (guojia luohan) nation’s arhat / nation’s gangster


  1. 含淚勸告 (hanlei quangao) tearfully urge
  2. 含笑酒泉(han xiao jiu quan) smile in fountains of booze
  3. 好五倍 (hao wu bei) five times better
  4. 喝茶 (he cha) drink tea
  5. 喝開水死 (he kaishui si) death by drinking boiled water
  6. 和諧 (hexie) harmonious
  7. 和諧號 (hexie hao) “harmony” high-speed train
  8. 合鞋 (he xie) fitting shoe
  9. 河蟹 (hexie) river crab
  10. 核心 (hexin) core
  11. 黑板狐 (heiban hu) Blackboard Fox
  12. 很黃很暴力 (hen huang hen baoli) erotic and violent
  13. 恨爹不成剛 (hen die bu cheng Gang) despise one’s father for not being Li Gang
  14. 紅派壹號 (hong pai yi hao) red pad
  15. 猴蛇 (hou she) monkey-snake
  16. 胡77 (Hu 77) Hu 77
  17. 胡編 (Hu Bian) The Fabricator
  18. 胡叼 (Hu Diao)
  19. 狐瘟 (hu wen) fox plague
  20. 胡占凡體 (Hu Zhanfan ti) Hu Zhanfan style
  21. 糊煮席 (Hu zhu xi) muddled cooked banquet
  22. 換鍋子沒 (huan guozi mei) have you changed to (using) a dish?
  23. 皇儲 (huangchu) heir apparent
  24. 混球屎報 (Hunqiu Shibao) Muddled Shit Times
  25. 火箭升遷
  26. 活埋 (huomai) buried alive
  27. 火星文 (Huoxing wen) Martian script


  1. 脊梁獎 (Jiliang Jiang) The Backbone Award
  2. 賈君鵬,你媽媽喊你回家吃飯 (Jiǎ Jūnpéng, nǐ māma hǎn nǐ huíjiā chīfàn) Jia Junpeng, your mother is calling you home for dinner
  3. 家裡最近怎麼樣? (Jiali zuijin zenmeyang?) How has your family been recently?
  4. 甲型H1N1流感 (jiaxing H1N1 liugan) influenza A virus subtype H1N1
  5. 見過大爺? (Jian guo daye?) Have you seen grandfather?
  6. 賤委 (jianwei) contemptible committee
  7. 僵魚 (Jiang Yu) Stiff Fish
  8. 醬油委員 (jiangyou weiyuan) soy sauce committee members
  9. 金三胖 (Jin San Pang) Kim Fatty III
  10. 景德鎮 (Jingde zhen) Jingde Town
  11. 竟無一人是男兒 (jing wu yi ren shi nan’er) not one was man enough
  12. 九個總統 (jiu ge zongtong) nine presidents
  13. 九長老 (jiu zhanglao) nine elders
  14. 菊花文 (juhua wen) chrysanthemum script
  15. 局域網 (juyuwang) Great Chinese LAN
  16. 捐你妹 (juan ni mei) donate your sister
  17. 軍大衣 (jun dayi) guard in military coat
  18. 境外(敵對)勢力


  1. 開房局長 (kaifang juzhang) "room-opening" bureau chief
  2. 開胸驗肺 (kaixiong yanfei) thoracotomy
  3. 康師傅 (Kang Shifu) Master Kang
  4. 科學上網 (kexue shangwang) use the Internet “scientifically”
  5. 空椅子 (kong yizi) empty chair
  6. 跨省追捕 (kuasheng zhuibu) pursue across provincial lines
  7. 狂草泥馬 (kuang caonima) crazy grass-mud horse


  1. 臘肉 (larou) cured meat
  2. 藍爸爸 (Lan Baba) Blue Daddy
  3. 雷政富 (Lei Zhengfu) Lei Zhengfu
  4. 離岸 (Li'an)
  5. 梁書記 (Liang Shuji) Secretary Leung
  6. 鯉岡? (ligangba) ridged carp-barbel
  7. 了解祖國 (liaojie zuguo) understand the motherland
  8. 淋巴縣長 (Linba Xianzhang) Mayor Lymph
  9. 林貌楊音 (Lin mao Yang yin) Lin imitates Yang’s voice
  10. 臨時工 (linshigong) temporary worker
  11. 臨時性強姦 (linshixing qiangjian) temporary rape
  12. 盧美美
  13. 裸體做官 (luoti zuoguan) naked official
  14. 濾霸, 驢爸 (lü ba, lü ba) filter tyrant, donkey father
  15. 綠爸爸 (Lü Baba) Green Daddy
  16. 綠壩娘 (Lü Ba Niang) Green Dam Girl
  17. 輪流發生性關係 (lunliu fasheng xingguanxi) take turns having sex


  1. Ma de in China “fuck” in China
  2. 馬勒戈壁 (Male Gebi) Mahler Gobi
  3. 賣萌 (mai meng) act cute
  4. 沒希望工程 (Mei Xiwang Gongcheng) Project Hopeless
  5. 沒有強拆就沒有新中國 (Meiyou qiang chai jiu meiyou xin Zhongguo) Without forced demolitions there can be no new China.
  6. 美帝 (Mei di) American imperialists
  7. 面癱 (mian tan)
  8. 敏感瓷 (mingan ci) sensitive porcelain
  9. 茉莉花 (molihua) jasmine
  10. 某黑幫 (mou heibang) certain gang
  11. 目田 (mu tian) eye-field
  12. 媚體


  1. 那是人家的本事 (Na shi renjia de benshi) It's because he's gifted.
  2. 納米比亞 (Namibiya) Namibia
  3. 腦殘 (naocan) brain-damaged
  4. 你懂的 (ni dong de) you understand
  5. 你是哪個單位的? (Ni shi nage danwei de?) Which work unit are you from?
  6. 你幸福嗎?(Ni xingfu ma?) Are you happy?
  7. 你有孩子嗎? (Ni you haizi ma?) Do you have children?
  8. 諾貝爾幣 (Nuobeier bi) Nobel Prize dollars


  1. P民 (P min) P people
  2. 潘幣 (Panbi) Panbi
  3. 盤錦號 (Panjin Hao) The Panjin
  4. 咆哮體 (paoxiao ti) shouting font
  5. (pei) screw you
  6. 屁民 (pi min) shitizen
  7. 拼爹 (pin die) compare fathers
  8. 貧二代 (pin er dai) poor second generation
  9. 平西王 (Pingxiwang) King Who Pacified the West
  10. 破壞性實驗 (pohuaixing shiyan) destruction experiment


  1. 齊B小短裙 (qi B xiao duanqun) ass-high miniskirt: see godfather
  2. 七不講 (qi bu jiang) seven don’t mentions
  3. 豈能因聲音微小而不吶喊? (Qineng yin shengyin weixiao er bu nahan?) How can we not speak out just because our voice is small?
  4. 70碼 (qishi ma) 70 kph
  5. 欺實馬 (qishima) horse of deception
  6. 牆 (qiang) wall
  7. 牆國 (qiangguo) wall nation
  8. 牆國論壇 (Qiangguo Luntan) Wall Nation Forum
  9. 牆奸 (qiangjian) wall-rape
  10. 牆裂(譴責) (qiang lie (qianze)) wall crack condemn
  11. 禽肛 (Qin Gang) Bird Anus
  12. 輕度追尾, 輕度XX (qingdù zhuiwei, qingdu XX) mild collision, mild XX
  13. 慶豐元年
  14. 情緒穩定 (qingxu wending) emotionally stable
  15. 秋雨含淚 (qiuyu hanlei) autumn rain has tears
  16. 去毛 (qu mao) hair removal


  1. 讓領導先走 (rang lingdao xian zou) leaders first
  2. 人民日爆 (Renmin Ribao) People’s Daily Explosion
  3. 日人民報 (Ri Renmin Bao) Screwing People Post
  4. 人渣排行榜 (Rerzha Paxingbang)
  5. 芮代表 (Rui Daibiao) Representative Rui


  1. 散步 (sanbu) take a walk
  2. 三聚氰胺 (sanju qing’an) melamine
  3. 三鹿 (Sanlu) Sanlu
  4. SB會 (SB hui) SB Conference
  5. 山寨 (shanzhai) mountain stronghold
  6. 汕尾體 (Shanwei ti) Shanwei form
  7. 傷害中國人民的感情 (shanghai Zhongguo renmin de ganqing) hurt the Chinese people’s feelings
  8. 上吊吊 (shang diao diao) hung to death
  9. 誰叫你不幸生在中國了 (Shei jiao ni buxing sheng zai Zhongguo le?) How were you so unfortunate as to be born in China?
  10. 深情獻菊花 (shenqing xian juhua) dedicate a chrysanthemum with deep feeling
  11. 神奇的國度 (shenqi de guodu) mystical country
  12. 神獸 (shenshou) mythical creatures
  13. 省長 (shengzhang) governor
  14. 勝利大逃亡 (Shengli da Taowang) Escape to Victory
  15. 適度腐敗 (shidu fubai) moderate level of corruption
  16. 試探性自殺 (shitanxing zisha) half-hearted suicide attempt
  17. 斯巴達 (Sibada) Sparta
  18. 蒜你狠、豆你玩系列 (suan ni hen, dou ni wan xilie) vicious garlic, play with beans, and other similar phrases
  19. 隨波逐劉 (sui bo zhu Liu) go with the flow
  20. 隨時受不了 (suishi shoubuliao) always unbearable
  21. 山巔


  1. 他媽的 (tamade) WTF?!
  2. 土共 TG
  3. 體育牆國 (tiyu qiang guo']]') wall country in athletics
  4. 替黨說話,還是替老百姓說話? (Ti Dang shuohua, haishi zhunbei ti laobaixing shuohua?) Will you speak for the Party, or are you prepared to speak for the people?
  5. 天朝 (Tianchao) Celestial Empire
  6. 兲朝 (見:天朝) (Tian Chao) Celestial Empire
  7. 天朝P民 (Tianchao P min) P people of the Celestial Empire
  8. 天朝上鍋 (Tianchao shang guo) Celestial Empire goes into the pot
  9. 天雷提案 (tian lei ti’an) shocking proposals
  10. 舔菊黨 (tian ju dang) chrysanthemum licking party
  11. TM/TMD: see WTF?!
  12. 捅雞局 (Tongji Ju) Bureau of Dicking Around
  13. (被)“庹”


  1. 外國人的家長會 (Waiguoren de Jiazhang Hui) Parents of Foreigners Congress
  2. 微勃 (wei bo) slight erection
  3. 偉大的牆 (weida de qiang) great wall
  4. 圍觀 (weiguan) surround and watch
  5. 圍觀五貓 (weiguan wu mao) surround and watch five cats
  6. 偉光正 (wei guang zheng) great, glorious, and correct
  7. 為人民幣服務 (wei renminbi fuwu) serve the renminbi
  8. 餵人民服霧 (wei renmin fu wu) smog the people
  9. 微軟 (Weiruan) Microsoft
  10. 維穩 (weiwen) stability maintenance
  11. 穩腚 (wen ding) stable bottom
  12. 我爸爸是李剛 (wo baba shi Li Gang) My father is Li Gang
  13. 我和小夥伴都驚呆了 (wo he xiao huobanmen dou jingdai le) my buddies and I were dumbstruck
  14. 蝸居族 (woju zu) snail dwelling tribe
  15. 我來晚了 (wo lai wan le) I’m late
  16. 我們做了一個艱難的決定 (Women zuole yi ge jiannan de jueding) We have made a tough decision
  17. 我能說髒話嗎? (Wo neng shuo zanghua ma?) Can I swear?
  18. 我要作人 (Wo yao zuoren) I will be a person
  19. 我只為領導服務 (Wo zhi wei lingdao fuwu) I only serve the leaders
  20. 臥草泥馬 (wo caonima) crouching grass-mud horse
  21. 五不搞 (wu bu gao) five no’s
  22. 五號 (wu hao) number five
  23. 五毛黨 (Wu Mao Dang) Fifty Cent Party
  24. 五毛讜 (wu mao dang) fifty cents honest
  25. 五月三十五日 (wu yue sanshiwu ri) Thirty-Fifth of May


  1. 西朝鮮 (Xi Chaoxian) West Korea
  2. 下意識開槍 (xiayishi kaiqiang) subconsciously shoot
  3. 西紅柿 (xihongshi) tomato
  4. 下一盤很大的棋 (xia yi pan hen da de qi) play a big game of chess
  5. 閒扯淡 (xian chedan) idle chit-chat
  6. 辛卯借款 (xinmao jiekuan) 2011 loan
  7. 心神不寧 (xinshen buning) disturbed
  8. 信艾神,原地滿狀態復活 (xin Ai Shen, yuandi man zhuangtai fuhuo) believe in the God Ai and be completely resurrected on the spot
  9. 信韓寒不腦殘 (xin Han Han bu naocan) believe in Han Han and you won’t be brain-damaged
  10. 熊貓: (見:國寶) (xiongmao) panda: see national treasure
  11. 休假式治療 (xiujia shi zhiliao) vacation-style therapy
  12. 習大包子 (xidabaozi)
  13. 習特勒 (xitele)
  14. 尋釁滋事
  15. 萱萱 (Xuanxuan) Genie
  16. 血拆 (xue chai) bloody demolition
  17. 新黑五類 (xin hei wu lei) new five black categories


  1. 壓力差 (yali chai) pressure differential
  2. 亞克蜥 (yakexi) yax lizard
  3. 殃視 (yang shi) calamity TV
  4. 羊叫獸 (yang jiao shou) sheep calls to the beast
  5. 藥奸菊 (yao jian ju) medicine-wicked-chrysanthemum
  6. 一小撮 (yi xiao cuo) small bunch
  7. 影帝 (yingdi) movie star
  8. 有關部門 (youguan bumen) relevant department
  9. 有司 (yousi) official
  10. 援交部 (Yuanjiao Bu) Ministry of Foreign Assistance
  11. 遠程愛國者搗蛋 (yuancheng aiguozhe daodan) long distance patriot makes mischief
  12. 宇宙真理 (yuzhou zhenli) truth of the universe


  1. 暫住 (zanzhu) temporary residence
  2. 這事兒不能說太細 (Zhe shir buneng shuo tai xi) This cannot be explained in great detail.
  3. 這是一個奇蹟 (zhe shi yi ge qiji) this is a miracle
  4. 真理部 (Zhenli Bu) Ministry of Truth
  5. 真象 (zhenxiang) elephant of truth
  6. 鎮上 (zhen shang) in town: see Jingde Town
  7. 鎮災 (zhen zai) town disaster
  8. 正腐 (zhengfu) govern-rot
  9. 正龍拍虎 (zheng long pai hu) upright dragon pats the tiger
  10. 職業孫子 (見:專業孫子) (zhiye sunzi) career grandchild: see professional grandchild
  11. 至於你信不信,由你,我反正是信了 (zhiyu ni xin bu xin, wo fanzheng shi xin le) whether you believe it or not, I do
  12. 中國的互聯網是開放的 (Zhongguo de hulianwang shi kaifang de) China’s Internet is open
  13. 中國人民從此戰慄起來了 (Zhongguo renmin congci zhanli qilai le) The Chinese people have begun to tremble
  14. 中國人民的老朋友 (Zhongguo renmin de lao pengyou) old friends of the Chinese people
  15. 中國人是需要管的 (Zhongguoren shi xuyao guan de) Chinese people need to be controlled
  16. 周老虎 (Zhou Laohu) Tiger Zhou
  17. 周自宮 (Zhou Zigong) Zhou self-castration
  18. 磚家 (zhuanjia) brickspert
  19. 專業孫子 (zhuanye sunzi) professional grandchild
  20. 轉發就是力量 (zhuanfa jiushi liliang) Reposting is power
  21. 轉世 (zhuanshi) reincarnate
  22. 自你入獄,舉國震動,人生輝煌,莫過如此
  23. 自強不吸 (ziqiangbuxi)
  24. 縱做鬼,也幸福 (zong zuogui, ye xingfu) even the destruction is a blessing
  25. 做噩夢(死)(zuo emeng (si)) death by nightmare
  26. 做一個艱難的決定 (zuo yi ge jiannan de jueding) make a tough decision



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