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送交者: 空因 2014年09月15日16:46:54 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話







首先,我完全理解你們作為父母們的痛苦心理 --- 孩子們有學不能去,有課不能上,大好的求知時光,就這麼被白白地辜負了。誰說這不是一件讓人痛心疾首的事呢?更不用說那些陪讀國際學生的家長們了。這麼多年來,含辛茹苦,省吃儉用,終於給自己的寶貝掙來了一個渴盼已久的留學機會,怎知到了這個異國他鄉,卻牽着孩子的手望學校門而興嘆!


所以,大家的不滿和激憤情緒,是完全可以理解的。孩子,就是我們的未來,我們的希望,我們辛勤付出的所有補償。誰能怪我們太愛他們?太在乎他們?太關注他們的前途和幸福呢?從這個角度來看問題,我百分之百地站在你們一邊,我的心無比同情你們, 也無比同情那些暫時失學的孩子們!




我覺得答案應該是肯定的: 我們的確可以通過我們的態度和行動去影響罷工,爭取它的早日結束。


說來容易做來難,我們這些罷工的直接受害者們,到底該如何去幫助解開這個死結呢?我個人的看法是:如果我們希望罷工 儘快結束,孩子們早日回到課堂,我們一定要給卑詩省政府施加壓力,而儘量對教師工會表示同情與支持。為什麼我這樣說呢?




政府總是對外強調:老師們太過於貪婪,要求漲的工資超過其它工會。事實真是這樣嗎?至少連續五年,卑詩省老師的工資沒有漲過一文。如果我們自己也是這樣,我們會怎麼想?跟加拿大其它省份比較,卑詩省老師的工資幾乎是最低的, 連農業省薩省的教師工資都比這裡高出不少。我們可以比較一下:卑詩省的生活水平比薩省的又要高出多少?他們的房子要便宜多少?


教師們真的貪婪嗎?早在九十年代,卑詩省教師們就在跟政府協商時候在工資方面做出了不少讓步,而要求政府將班級規模和班級組成(class size and class composition) 列入教師合同的一部分。而BC政府卻在2002年將已確立的協議撕毀。工會不服,將此訴諸法庭,法庭先後兩次裁定政府觸犯教師的合法談判權,勒令他們恢復以前的協議和合同,可是省政府卻毫不理會法院的判決並對此上訴。所以,這樁訴訟最後的輸贏,仍有待法庭最後裁決。




一個星期前超過99%的工會成員投票擁護有約束力的仲裁(binding arbitration)。工會明確表示:老師們願意放棄對薪水、福利等條件的堅持,而將此交由仲裁人來決定。即仲裁人決定是多少就是多少,老師會完全服從。至於其它兩項:班級規模和班級組成則留給法庭他日再定。這個提議聽起來非常合情合理,然而,教育廳卻對此依然拒絕。








親愛的家長們,如果我們真的渴望孩子們早日回到學校,難道我們要督促的不是卑詩政府嗎?試問:作為老師的僱傭者和與工會的直接談判者,政府到目前為止到底做出了什麼讓步?如果他們真的有心讓工會結束罷工,為什麼他們不敢答應有約束力的仲裁(binding arbitration)?教師罷工為政府所省下來的錢,用來支付老師欲漲的工資已綽綽有餘。那麼,政府到底在害怕什麼?


說來說去,還是政府希望工會放棄這兩項讓他們懼怕的要求:班級規模和班級組成。因為他們心虛:如果在協議中加入這兩項,他們就得調整財政預算,就得致力於發展卑詩省的教育,而不是將其它非重要的項目放在首位, 如撥款修建體育館屋頂或者給大型企業減稅。我們應該問問政府:有什麼比投資教育更加有意義有回報呢?如果今天在這上面省一點可憐巴巴的小錢,那麼明天我們又得在這方面付出怎樣慘痛的代價?




















An Open Letter to All Chinese Parents in BC Province

(by Kongyinhttp://kongyin99.blogspot.ca)


Dear Parents,

My name is Kongyin, a poet originally from China now living in Vancouver. Normally, I shun politics, but today, driven by my conscience, watching the ongoing dispute between the teachers and the government, I feel the need to chat a bit with you from the bottom of my heart.

First of all, I am fully empathetic with you – the parents of the children who have been suffering due to the strike. The schools are beckoning but no classes are taught; so much precious time has flown away when the children should be in school, quenching their thirst for knowledge.

Who said this is not a bitter thing? Even more so for those parents who came here to help their children who are international students. Over many years, these parents had lived frugally, and struggled extremely hard in order to earn this valuable opportunity for their children to be educated in Canada. Now the long-dreamed dream finally came to reality except that after they came to this foreign country, all they can do now is hold their child's hand and linger outside the school!

So, I fully understand you, and your grievances, and frustration.  Children are our future, our hope, the compensation for all our hard work. Who can blame us for loving our children so much? For caring about them so much? For worrying about their future and prospects so much?  From this perspective, I stand one hundred percent on your side; my heart feels for you, as well as for the children who are temporarily out of schools.

What on earth can we do to help solve this crisis, when the conflict between the government and the Union seems to have reached such a point, that few outsiders have any power to do anything? But is it really so? We are a large group in Canadian society, who care sincerely for our children’s future; do we really have no say in this?

The answer is that we are not powerless, and through our attitude and actions, we can indeed do things to help end the strike as soon as possible.

However, this is easier said than done. How are we, the direct victims of this labour dispute, to help unravel this seemingly deadly knot? My personal view is this: If we want to end the strike as soon as possible, and promptly send the children back to their classrooms, we must pressure the BC government to achieve this goal, while expressing sympathy and support for the Union. Why do I say that?

Through calm retrospect of the progress of the negotiations over the past months, it is obvious that the ones prolonging the strike are in fact the government, not the teachers. Think about it: who are the beneficiaries of the strike? Obviously, not the parents, the children or the teachers. During the strike, the government saves tens of millions of dollars per day, while the teachers don’t receive their wages, and the Union is too poor to pay them even a penny. Personally, I know quite a few teachers who, despite having limited money to buy food, drive more than two hours a day to school to get to the picket line. If we were them, would we be willing to sacrifice so dearly?

The BC government always stresses that the teachers are too greedy, and they demand much more than other unions. Is this really so? The teachers have put up with more than five years without a pay increase. Have you received a pay increase over these last five years? The BC teachers’ wages have been almost the lowest compared to the other provinces in Canada; even in Saskatchewan they pay a much higher salary. Ask yourself: in terms of the cost of living, how much higher is BC than Saskatchewan? And how much cheaper the houses there compared to here?

Are teachers really greedy? Back in the nineties, BC teachers gave numerous concessions in terms of wages and other benefits to secure limits to class size and class composition, but in 2002, the BC government flatly tore up this agreement so the Union had to go court to appeal this. And twice, the courts ordered the government to restore the previous agreements and contracts, but the government has turned a deaf ear to this. This matter is in front of the court today to be ruled on in the near future.

If you closely follow the recent negotiations between the Union and the government, and not government propaganda, you will find that the highest priority from the teachers is not any wage increase but the emphasis on these two issues: class size and class composition. In fact, almost all teachers would agree that the negotiations are very close, in terms of wage increase, between what the government’s proposes and what the Union requests. On this point, they are hardly arguing anymore; their main divergence is reflected in class size and class composition.

A week ago more than ninety nine percent of union members voted to end the strike through binding arbitration which clearly states: teachers are willing to give up their salary and benefit demands, and accept the arbitration of a neutral third party; whatever this third party decides, the teachers will agree to it. As for the other two issues, class size and class composition, these will be left to the judgement of the courts. This proposal sounds quite reasonable; however, the government still rejected it.

Hence, it seems it is quite puzzling that the government is trying to paint the teachers as unreasonable and greedy. If we do believe they are unreasonable and greedy, then we have to believe that their unreasonableness and greediness is on the children’s behalf, for what they are fighting for is not for themselves, but for the immediate concern and vital interests of BC children. A reasonable pay increase will bring brighter minds into education, and sufficient funding will only benefit your children’s school experience.

Dear Parents, please ask yourself these questions: Do you really want your children to be crammed in a tight classroom struggling to learn? Are you willing to let an overburdened teacher teach your children?  In a class full of coded students, students who are coded for learning issues or behaviour problems, do you really think your children’s potential will be tapped to its maximum? No music, art, library, sports, and little counselling; is this really what you envision for public education?

Dear Parents, before you start to question the Union, I beg you to take a look at them with objective eyes. The teachers have survived five years with no pay increases and are willing to settle money issues through arbitration, so why are they so obstinate? They will get the same salary teaching a class of forty or a class of twenty five students. If they didn’t care for the quality of education, they would not still be picketing outside the schools.

 Dear Parents, if you really want the kids back to school as soon as possible, you have to urge the BC government to do something about it. The government, as the direct employers of the teachers as well as the negotiators with the Union, has done little so far. And if they really meant to end the strike, why are they afraid to agree to binding arbitration? The money not paid to teachers during the strike will easily pay for any wage increase. What are they scared of if they have a clear conscience?

Yes, these two things are the sticking points for the government: class size and class composition. They are afraid that if the courts order them to reinstate these two, the government would have to adjust their budget, and become committed to the development of education for all students in British Columbia, rather than focusing on other non-priority projects like stadium roofs, or money in tax breaks for big businesses. We should ask the government: what is more meaningful and rewarding than investing in children? And if we save a little petty cash today, what terrible price will we have to pay tomorrow in this regard?

The BC government is strongly lobbying against education, saying that if the Union wins, the BC taxpayers' wallets will be depleted, for we will have to bear additional taxes. Nevertheless, does the victory of the Union absolutely predict added tax? Can’t the BC government adjust other non-core projects to ensure a balanced budget? Can’t the government leaders at least try to discover how to reform their spending habits by not axing education funding first? Isn’t this their duty, their job?

After having said that, even if we have to pay a little added tax for the benefit of our children, is it not worthwhile? In fact, according to surveys, the majority of BC people have acknowledged that they are willing to bear additional tax for the future of the BC children. Many of my friends said without hesitation, "Bring the tax; for our children, we will bear it, we will bear everything."

A friend of mine, who teaches in a public school, normally goes to work at six o'clock every morning, and doesn’t return home until about seven o'clock in the evening. She told me that in her class alone, half of her children were coded and needed special care; one of them can’t go to toilet on his own, and has to have someone accompany him and help him clean. This teacher used to have several assistants in her classroom, but all but one of these have been cut.

Another teacher friend of mine regularly shared his lunch with those hungry students whose families were too poor to provide them adequate food. Now this same teacher is so poor himself that during the strike he has had to borrow money from the bank to feed his own family.

Dear parents, we really should try to be sympathetic with what these teachers have been through to benefit the children of BC. How can we even think to give them a kick when they need kindness and support?  Some of us claim: "We support teachers, not the Union," but we have to know that this argument shows only ignorance of the situation. The Union is the epitome of the teachers and the byword of the teachers’ interests. If we support the teachers, inevitably, we have to support the Union. Just think about this: If we try to dig a ditch between the teachers and us, how can we easily communicate with them and establish a heart to heart relationship in the future?

We came from China, which has always had a tradition of respecting teachers. Mencius’ mother moved three times in order for her son to have a sound learning environment;  Confucius, the learned man, went to visit the sage Lao Tsu, and repeatedly bowed down to him on his knees. When Emperor Han Ming went to call on his mentor, he would have his carriage stop at the corner of the street, and then walk to his teacher’s door, as he thought this would be the best way to show his humility and respect. In China, we always respect teachers and call them the "engineers of souls", and we even have idioms like "the affection for my teacher is as deep as the sea", or "One day being my teacher, all my life being my father". Now that we are abroad, we should let these virtues and traditions blossom, rather than watch them wither.

When the government ridicules the teachers, labelling them as "greedy" and "uncooperative", we should dare to stand up and question the government: “as the leaders of the province, and as an educated and civilized person, who does it benefit to use such a demeaning tone towards our teachers?” And when children see government leaders and parents belittling their teachers, what influence will this have on them and their education?

We have a saying in China: “A great master brings out great disciples”, and this proverb is universally applicable. How can we expect a society that disrespects teachers will produce promising and capable people? How can we expect an unhappy teacher to bring joy and hope to our children?

If we sincerely want our children to be accomplished, first and foremost, we have to support their teachers, be empathetic to their pains, and stand on the same line with them. This way, from us and their teachers, children will see the gleam of humanity, knowledge, wisdom and democracy. Therefore they will always look at the big picture and become strong advocates for their education and future. 

After all, is not great parental love focused on children? While standing under the vast beautiful Canadian sky, let us, as well as our children, all smile with confidence: ah, our choice of relocating to Canada was such a great move! Look! How bright the future, striding to us, step by step...


(Kongyin, September 14, 2014 in Vancouver)



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