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送交者: 1314 2008月10月09日13:31:09 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: ZT為何支持以色列 傑克.海福德牧師caleb 於 2008-10-09 07:35:23
God will protect His selected people. But the way we are doing may not be God's way. 大家都有個共識:政教合一不是好事。美國,甚至整個西方,對以色列的政策卻是典型的政教合一:誤用聖經的教導,用政治,經濟,和軍事的方式來保護一個國家。

Please pray for the people of Israel, for them to know and accept Jesus Christ as their savior. There are a lot of Jews around our work places. Pray for them. Tell them about Jesus.

The problem right now facing us Christian community in America is that we are taught to use politics and military to protect Israel as a nation. I do not think it is biblical. We should help Israel as a people by preaching the Gospel to them.

And in my opinion, the nation of Israel and as a people of Israel (Jews around the world) are still too arrogant (also feel victimized). They trust their military might, financial wealth, and political alliances more than God.

May God bless Israel in His way.
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