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送交者: mean 2008月11月07日18:39:20 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 從這篇短的沒看出怎麼異端知音 於 2008-11-07 18:33:56
of Obama's faith, confirming that he's a Christian but does not go any deeper than that. In fact, he has not put out anything that describes his theology in full. Having said that, you have to realize that in America, whether you are evangelical Christian or liberal Christian (who thinks Jesus was a man and not God), you are Christian by definition.

The other article I posted above was published in newsweek, and describes his spiritual journey in a fairly objective manner, and also goes into his theology a little more. based on the sources with which the author wrote that article, and knowing what the american public is like in their faiths, I'd say it most likely is close to the truth if not the truth itself.
    社會福音信徒 denotes a kind - mean 11/07/08 (337)
      這樣說來caleb應該被稱為“靈恩信徒”了  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (300)
        if I am not mistaken, - mean 11/07/08 (325)
          是否也是“不是真正意義上的基督徒”?  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (282)
            any christian - mean 11/07/08 (289)
              please take note - mean 11/07/08 (287)
                那你到底是否同意xiangpu的原話?  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (248)
                  based on what i know of - mean 11/07/08 (249)
                    如果搞民意測驗那Obama很可能是穆斯林  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (136)
                    所以社會福音信徒不是真正意義上的基督徒?  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (259)
                      sigh... - mean 11/07/08 (282)
                        不管你教義多正統你也可能不是真正意義的基督徒. - 笨函數 11/08/08 (181)
                          whatever  /無內容 - mean 11/08/08 (138)
                        多謝  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (202)
                      但靈恩信徒是真正意義上的基督徒?  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (172)
                        你越說俺越糊塗  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (165)
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