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He’s is a typical Mainliner
送交者: gems 2008月11月08日09:00:04 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: zt: Finding His Faithmean 於 2008-11-07 18:13:13
I did not read your post, but I know this as a fact

As a member of United Church of Christ, Obama is a typical Mainline Protestant. As for what Mainline Protestants believe, I don’t think it’s fair for a Catholic to present Mainliners’ tradition, although we pray for them at every Mass. I hope there’re some Mainliners in this forum who can explain (but I doubt it:))

So xiangpu's instinct was right, but more understanding of the Christian landscape is needed. Obama is as Christian as Washington or Lincoln.

As a matter of fact, a majority of American Presidents are Mainline Protestants. Thanks be to God!!

“Born again”ers challenge the White House actually is a very modern event. It began with the presidency of Jimmy Carter in 1970.

One word to describe the president-elect: Intelligent. He understands Christianity and chose a Christian tradition which best fit his vision of what a Christian should be.
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