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OK, stick on faith healing.
送交者: gems 2008月07月01日17:14:09 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: like I saidmean 於 2008-07-01 16:02:44
There’re so many people who were healed by faith for the past 2000 years.
You will found them if you google it.

But it’s a matter of you believing it or not, it’s your choice.

Sorry, I am not God, I have not control over Him. I can not order him to produce one in lab using the Bible.

He will perform whenever He likes to. And He will give you a choice to believe it or not.
  please read some of my other replies - mean 07/02/08 (225)
    I would say some of them over the history - gems 07/02/08 (199)
      so we agree.  /無內容 - mean 07/02/08 (219)
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