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Fair enough. Like I said
送交者: 全伊 2008月12月09日18:45:24 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: clarificationmean 于 2008-12-09 18:00:30
the word "fan" would not have automatically been a word of my choice under that circumstance.

But I do sense a degree of intimacy when Caleb used the word "fan" to refer to our LORD. My daughter knows that I love her so dearly and would more often than not spoil her by letting her get her way. And I would usually act goofy when I play with her. You know what she told me once ? She said:" I have always prayed that I would have a stupid daddy that I can play with. And you know what ? I got one." Do I feel offended by her remark ? Not even a tiny bit. Instead, I felt so warm in my heart knowing that my daugter knew and appreciated the fact that I loved her so much that I would give her the whole world if I could.

Was my daugter a little bit disrespectful to her daddy ? You bet. Do I care ? Absolutely not for I know she didn't mean it. How do I know for sure ? Because I am her daddy and she is my little girl.
  intimacy. good. - mean 12/09/08 (150)
  and I would more often than .. /无内容 - 全伊 12/09/08 (130)
  correction: under that - 全伊 12/09/08 (113)
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