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送交者: kibitzer 2008月12月10日14:09:52 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 預表 these two charactersYuehanmiao 於 2008-12-10 12:41:04
I personally don't see why it is a big deal as long as the author could get his idea through.

Using typology has been a tradition for Jewish literature and appear in New Testament. Many people believed it should be used cautiously, which I agree. But on the other hand, we all know what the author is going to take the allegory for, usually for something we already know. The allegory here is merely to enhance the effect stimulated in a reader's mind -- to elicit the feeling we have already accumulated when we read the Old Testament, or to put the context into a more poetic setting.

I personally don't see a big deal out of this. I met many pastors who preached like this. In my prayer and my Bible study, I used this "typology" or allegory a lot. Just think of it as a literature style. Do we all enjoy reading poems? Yes, we do. Again, as long as the author tries to get at is correct, you can talk, you can sing, you can even perform, that is what we call style.
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